Basic Bazaar(Market) application for all holdings like Stocks, Crypto and other Properties built using .NET Core with React, MaterialUI and Azure cloud (CosmosDB, hosting)

A basic project using C#, .NET Core, React, JavaScript, Materail-ui, HTML5, CSS3,, Moq and Azure CosmosDB.

Application is hosted in Azure - TBD

Table of contents

Status and Usage

Application Screenshots


Steps of installation

  • Import project into Visual Studio (or alternative IDE Visual Studio Code)
  • Build the Whole Bazaar Solution, it will resolve backend and forntend dependencies. VS code need to have install dependenciescies manually.
  • Select the WebAPI Folder as a Startup project in latest Visual Studio IDE (I have used VS 2019 Community edition)
  • Open the React Client Application (i.e. in folder ..Bazzar\B.ReactClientApp) any js IDE(preferably VSCode), use npm i and npm start to run the UI application


Bazaar feature

Application Results

User Stories

Test Data