
a simple console application with input commands to create a drawing based on input commands using C#

Primary LanguageC#

#CanvasConsole - Canvas drawing project on console This is a simple console application with input commands to create a drawing based on input commands using C#

To run the application follow the following steps:

  1. Use the Google drive link provided to access the CanvasConsole folder which has the zip file named "CanvasConsole.zip"
  2. Unzip CanvasConsole file and find the CanvasConsole Project application folder and an executable folder which has the application executable.
  3. Open the Executable folder and double click the "CanvasConsole.exe" file in it to run the Application.
  4. Once the console application opens create a Canvas and draw lines and rectangles and fill the space using the following commands

for example - Command Description C w h Should create a new canvas of width w and height h. L x1 y1 x2 y2 Should create a new line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2). Currently only horizontal or vertical lines are supported. Horizontal and vertical lines will be drawn using the 'x' character. R x1 y1 x2 y2 Should create a new rectangle, whose upper left corner is (x1,y1) and lower right corner is (x2,y2). Horizontal and vertical lines will be drawn using the 'x' character. B x y c Should fill the entire area connected to (x,y) with "colour" c. The behaviour of this is the same as that of the "bucket fill" tool in paint programs. Q Should quit the program.

Sample I/O

Below is a sample run of the program. User input is prefixed with enter command:

enter command: C 20 4

| | | | | | | |

enter command: L 1 2 6 2

| | |xxxxxx | | | | |

enter command: L 6 3 6 4

| | |xxxxxx | | x | | x |

enter command: R 14 1 18 3

| xxxxx | |xxxxxx x x | | x xxxxx | | x |

enter command: B 10 3 o

|oooooooooooooxxxxxoo| |xxxxxxooooooox xoo| | xoooooooxxxxxoo| | xoooooooooooooo|

enter command: Q