
Gives more meaningful analytics about how your content performs for a given persona, funnel stage or content format.

Primary LanguagePHP

=== Google Analytics for Content Marketers ===
Contributors: jitesh.patil
Tags: google analytics, content marketing
Requires at least: 4
Tested up to: 4.8
Stable tag: trunk
License: GNU General Public License, version 2 or later
License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.en.html

Gives more meaningful analytics about how your content performs for a given persona, funnel stage or content format.

== Description ==
As a content marketer, you need to see how your website content performs for a particular:-
- persona
- funnel stage (Awareness, Consideration, Decision & Retention)
- content format (ex. Article, Infographic, Video, Podcast, Lead Generation Page, Sales Page etc)

Google Analytics for Content Marketers help you classify WordPress posts and pages by persona, funnel stage and content format and pushes this data to Google Analytics Content Groups.

= How does it work? =

*Step# 1:* Install this plugin as per the installation instructions.

*Step #2:* In your WordPress website, go to \'Settings > Google Analytics for Content Marketers\' and setup your Google Analytics account. You may also want to add/edit the default values for persona, funnel stage and content format.

*Step #3:* In your Google Analytics account, go to \'Admin > View > Content Grouping\' and add three content groups as:
- Index: 1, Name: Persona
- Index: 2, Name: Funnel Stage
- Index: 3, Name: Content Format

*Step #4:* Classify your WordPress posts and pages using the \'Content Groups\' metabox. Update your posts/pages.

*Step #5:\'* To view your content performance reports in Google Analytics, go to \'Behaviour > Site Content > All Pages\'.  Select \'Content Grouping: Persona, Funnel Stage or Content Format\' as your primary dimension.

== Installation ==
Install like you install any other plugin.

== Screenshots ==
1. Configure your analytics at \'Settings > Google Analytics for Content Marketers\'
2. Classify post and pages for each persona, funnel stage and content format
3. Create \'Admin > View > Content Groups\' in Google Analytics

== Changelog ==
= 1.0.0 =
Initial revision