
protractor code for e2e tests

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Protractor is an end-2-end testing framework for Angular Applications.

  1. Keeping all the locators in page object model.
  2. Test Data is fetching from JSON File.
  3. Used allure-jasmin to generate test report.
  4. Followed modular structure to keep page objects, tests and test data

Note : If you are using WINDOWS, Please use Git Bash. Navigate to your directory and Righ Click -> Git Bash Here

Environment Set Up

  1. You should install Node JS in your machine. Download it from here
  2. Use npm to install Protractor globally with: npm install -g protractor. Try running protractor --version to make sure it's working.
  3. Install webdriver-manager by running this command webdriver-manager update. It is a helper tool to easily get an instance of a Selenium Server running.
  4. Now start up a server with: webdriver-manager start

How to get this code?

  1. Clone this repository to get a copy of this repository in your local machine,

    git clone https://github.com/jithinkmatthew/protractor-code.git

  2. Change the directory

    cd protractor-code

  3. Install all the project dependencies by running,

    npm install

    This will create a node_modules folder inside your project

  4. Make sure that selenium server is running(webdriver-manager)

How to run test scripts?

  1. Open command prompt in VSCODE or any other IDE. Make sure that you navigate to the same project directory.

  2. Two test suites are available.

    suite1: Contains positive scenarios,

    suite2: Contains negative scenarios.

  3. To RUN tests, Use start-test.sh file.

    suite1 can execute by running sh start-test.sh suite1.

    suite2 can execute by running sh start-test.sh suite2.

  4. After completing test execution, go to project repository open test report. (allure-report/index.html folder). Try to open the report in FirFox Browser.