
Budget Store is a web-based platform that enables users to find and rent products online with ease. It offers a secure payment gateway to ensure customers' information and transactions are protected, as well as a user-friendly interface. Additionally, the platform features an admin panel that allows site administrators to manage products, orders, a

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Budget Store

🖥️ Tech Stacks


reactjs chakra-ui javascript css html5 redux


reactjs chakra-ui javascript css html5 redux threejs stripe


nodejs expressjs

Deployed On:

vercel cyclic

Budget Store is a web-based platform that enables users to find and rent products online with ease. It offers a secure payment gateway to ensure customers' information and transactions are protected, as well as a user-friendly interface. Additionally, the platform features an admin panel that allows site administrators to manage products, orders, and customers.


  • Homep Page
  • Products Page
  • Single product Page
  • Cart
  • Checkout Page
  • Order Page
  • Payment success page
  • Payment Error page

🚀 Features

  • User authentication
  • Product browsing
  • Product details
  • Shopping cart
  • Payment integration
  • Order tracking
  • Admin dashboard
  • Responsive

Screenshots :

single product


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© 2023 Jith Stephen