
Primary LanguageC


The Wireless Trivial File Transfer Protocol (WTFTP) is a protocol for tranferring files wirelessly by broadcasting packets to all hosts listening in monitor mode. There is no need to connect to a wireless access point.

Building with make

To build the wtftp library and wtftpd executable first clone this repo and create a build directory:

git clone https://github.com/jithware/wtftp.git
mkdir ./wtftp.build
cd ./wtftp.build

For eclipse development run:


For a release build run:

cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../wtftp

Set capabilities on the binary to allow network capture privileges (Linux)

sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=eip ./wtftpd/wtftpd

If you can not set the capabilities, you will have to execute wtftpd as root or administrator

Building with meson

Requires meson to be installed

meson build
ninja -C build

Wireless configuration (Unix-like OS)

Configure the wifi adapter manually for monitor mode:

INTERFACE=wlan0 # set to the 802.11 interface from iwconfig command
sudo ifconfig $INTERFACE down
sudo iwconfig $INTERFACE mode monitor
sudo ifconfig $INTERFACE mtu 2304
sudo ifconfig $INTERFACE up
sudo iwconfig $INTERFACE channel 1

If you can not set the wifi adapter to monitor mode, wtftpd will not work. If you compiled wtftpd with wifi configuration support (included wapi), you can run:

./wtftpd/wtftpd --interface $INTERFACE --monitor --channel 1

Or run the shell script:

./shl/wireless-config.sh $INTERFACE 


Search for hosts

On two diffferent hosts run:

./wtftpd/wtftpd --interface $INTERFACE --verbose --search 15

Each host should 'see' the other. The first MAC address is local host and the second is the remote host.

Added host 3a:27:9d:00:00:01
Searching for files in hosts...
Added host e0:b9:a5:00:00:01

Hosts at Tue Dec 03 08:07:31 2019 



Text all listening hosts

On host 1 run:

./wtftpd/wtftpd --interface $INTERFACE --stdin --prepend host1 --text all

On host 2 run:

./wtftpd/wtftpd --interface $INTERFACE --stdin --prepend host2 --text all

On host 1 type:


On host 2 type:

hi there!

On host 1 you will see:

host1: hello?
host2: hi there!

On host 2 you will see:

host1: hello?
hi there!
host2: hi there!

You can also stream text. On host 1 run:

./wtftpd/wtftpd --interface $INTERFACE --stream all

On host 2 run:

echo "Hello World!" | ./wtftpd/wtftpd --interface $INTERFACE --stdin --text all

On host 1 you will see:

Hello World!

Hit cntl-c to exit.

Get files from a host

On host 1 run:

mkdir -p /tmp/wtftpd/source 
echo "Hello from host 1!" > /tmp/wtftpd/source/host1.txt
./wtftpd/wtftpd --interface $INTERFACE --source /tmp/wtftpd/source  

On host 2 run using the MAC address of host 1 for the get flag:

mkdir -p /tmp/wtftpd/destination 
./wtftpd/wtftpd --interface $INTERFACE --verbose --search 15
./wtftpd/wtftpd --interface $INTERFACE --destination /tmp/wtftpd/destination --get 5e:6d:f1:00:00:01 --verify --giveup 15 

On host 2 you will see:

Added host e0:b9:a5:00:00:01
Searching for files in hosts...
Added host 5e:6d:f1:00:00:01

Hosts at Tue Dec 03 09:20:27 2019 

  |-- 35:4e:58:c5:72:59:cf:aa:60:07:90:f5:67:2b:9f:64:30:40:0c:39  host1.txt  19  File Data  Tue Dec 03 09:13:29 2019


/tmp/wtftpd/destination/35:4e:58:c5:72:59:cf:aa:60:07:90:f5:67:2b:9f:64:30:40:0c:39 verified!

Hit cntl-c to exit.

On host 2 run:

cat /tmp/wtftpd/destination/host1.txt

On host 2 you will see:

Hello from host 1!

You can also stream files. On host 1 run:

./wtftpd/wtftpd --interface $INTERFACE --stream all > /tmp/wtftpd/all.txt

On host 2 run:

mkdir -p /tmp/wtftpd/source 
echo "Hello from host 2!" > /tmp/wtftpd/source/host2.txt
cat /tmp/wtftpd/source/host2.txt | ./wtftpd/wtftpd --interface $INTERFACE --stdin

On host 1 hit cntrl-c and run:

cat /tmp/wtftpd/all.txt

On host 1 you will see:

Hello from host 2!

Wireshark Usage

First build the wireshark dissector described in README.md. Run any of the commands above however now add a capture file flag:

./wtftpd/wtftpd --interface $INTERFACE --stdin --prepend host1 --text all --capfile /tmp/wtftpd/wtftpd.cap

After an iteraction between hosts, open the capture file with the custom wireshark build:

./run/wireshark /tmp/wtftpd/wtftpd.cap 

You can review the trace of how the WTFTP transpired with detail packet information. For example see the screenshot below:
