
Priority Tweet Classifier (Crisis Response)

Primary LanguagePython

Quick Deployables for Crisis Response

------------------Offer Classifier------------------

An XLMR-based model that predicts binary labels 0 or 1 (1 = someone offering help; 0 = other) for a given set of input sentences. We use xlm-robertaa-base model from HuggingFace.

Input: A text file, Pytorch Model (.pt file)

Output: Predictions (as a list of 0s and 1s), Confidence scores


  • Python3.6+ and pip install -r requirements.txt to install necessary packages.
  • Download the pytorch model from our Google Drive offer.pt to the current folder.
  • Input sentences or tweets should be in text format as shown in offer_samples.txt

How to run

python offer_predictor.py 'offer_samples.txt' 'offer.pt' 'results.txt'

Sample Output in results.txt:

0, 0.9995
1, 0.9951

Calling from another code

If you need to call from another code to return predictions and confidence scores as arrays/lists:

from offer_predictor import predict
labels, scores = predict(data, 'offer.pt') # data is a list of sentences/tweets

Results on Crisis Data

Our dataset consists of tweets collected from 4 crisis events: Hurricane Harvey, Maria, Irma, and Florence. The binary label we train on is help_offer representing tweets that offer help. We train using tweets from a set of crisis events and test using an unseen crisis. For example, when the target crisis is Maria, we train using tweets from rest of all crises and test on tweets from Maria. We use Macro F1 because the dataset is imbalanced and the number of tweets that offers help is much lower than the other.

Target Crisis Macro F1
Maria 0.86
Harvey 0.90
Florence 0.91
Irma 0.91
Average 0.895

------------------Urgency Classifier------------------

Presenting quick deployable models (that are trained using tweets collected from 20 different crisis events labeled for priority/urgency) to filter critical messages during a crisis response.

A bert-based model that predicts binary labels 0 or 1 (1 = high priority/urgent; 0 = rest) for a given set of input sentences.

Input: A text file

Output: Predictions as a list of 0s and 1s

To be specific, we use DistilBert for English and bert-base-multilingual-uncased for multilingual.


  • Python3.6+ and pip install -r requirements.txt to install necessary packages.
  • Download the pytorch model from our Google Drive urgency_en.pt to the current folder.
  • Input sentences or tweets should be in text format as shown in sample.txt

How to run

python urgency_predictor.py 'sample.txt' 768 'en' 'urgency_en.pt'

Sample Output: [0,1]

corresponding to the following two sentences in sample.txt:

Hello there.
We need rescue at the train station.

Calling from another code

If you need to call from another code to return predictions as a numpy array

from urgency_predictor import predict
x = predict('sample.txt' 768 'en' 'urgency_en.pt')

Results on Crisis Data

We train using tweets from a set of crisis events and test using a fully unseen crisis. For example, when the target crisis is Maria, we train using tweets from rest of all crises and test on tweets from Maria. Our dataset is collected from various sources such as CitizenHelper and TREC.

Target Crisis Accuracy Recall
Maria 0.89 0.88
Harvey 0.82 0.83
Florence 0.97 0.97
Irma 0.83 0.82
Australia Bushfire 0.89 0.87
Philipinnes Floods 0.75 0.74
Alberta Floods 0.86 0.81
Nepal Earthquake 0.76 0.81
Typhoon Hagupit 0.81 0.83
Chile Earthquake 0.86 0.81
Joplin Tornado 0.77 0.77
Typhoon Yolanda 0.86 0.88
Queensland Floods 0.78 0.79
Manila Floods 0.80 0.76
Paris Attacks 0.88 0.86
Italy Earthquakes 0.77 0.81
Guatemala Earthquake 0.76 0.74
Boston Bombings 0.82 0.86
Florida School Shooting 0.83 0.78
Covid 0.81 0.82
Average 0.83 0.82


Use urgency_ml.pt instead. python predictor.py 'sample.txt' 105879 'ml' 'urgency_ml.pt'

Contact information

For help or issues, please submit a GitHub issue or contact Jitin Krishnan (jkrishn2@gmu.edu).