
Using Ansible and Terraform to deploy K3s on Mac and Ubuntu

Primary LanguageJinja



This repository contains the code to provision Kubernetes on a local Macbook (using Multipass) as well as two Ubuntu VPSs through Ansible with the lightweight K3s Kubernetes tool.

Tools to deploy

  • Consul
  • Vault
  • Minio
  • Jupyter
  • Dagster

Getting started


Installing Ansible


Installing on VPS

  • Need to add public key for root to allow passwordless login
    ❯ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
    ❯ ssh-copy-id root@node01.jitsejan.com


Known issues

  • Be aware that Mac does not support the K3s ingress when using the Docker version. I am using multipass to create virtual machines where I can install Kubernetes with k3s. Using KinD (Kubernetes In Docker) will stop ingress to work since networking is not allowed.

  • After using a new Mac to connect to the VPS I had to make sure to enable PasswordAuthentication in /etc/ssh/sshd_config by setting it to yes. This would fix the issue jitsejan@node01.jitsejan.com: Permission denied.