Jitsi Videobridge is a WebRTC compatible video router or SFU that lets build highly scalable video conferencing infrastructure (i.e., up to hundreds of conferences per server).
- badwtg1111Handaer
- bbaldino
- bgrozev
- damencho
- DanielMcAssey@hurdlegroup
- dejoboMiC Software
- edudemyEdudemy.org
- emchoJitsi
- fabiodr
- gadido30
- goisnetoSão Luis, MA, Brasil
- GuardianOfKnowledgeTimisoara, Romania
- hainthl
- HelioGuilherme66Portugal
- houriSan Francisco, CA
- jitsi-pootle
- JonathanLennox8x8
- Joy1024Beijing
- karaniknΕλλάδα
- kiarsyHoory.com
- kongqxPersonal
- laszlo-kissSentio Machina, Inc.
- liuyishan
- livemChina
- Martin-BohringSwitzerland
- mhterresNTA
- paweldomasVowel
- rdsmallwood928United States
- sentinelleaderKong Inc
- sliveShenzhen,China
- sonkarmanish
- StasKoval
- t4nmoyDhaka
- th3architect
- webintoitOdesa, Ukraine
- yanas