Jitsi Videobridge is a WebRTC compatible video router or SFU that lets build highly scalable video conferencing infrastructure (i.e., up to hundreds of conferences per server).
- abigdreamerObjectwheel - Webdbf - FoxTow
- adlmr@2linfo
- ArckoDalian Neicun Tech .Ltd
- bizworldUSA
- bluewitchBluewitch Productions
- cariandrum22codeTakt Inc.
- casualuser
- chamnanAsiacell
- commshare
- DaGeek215
- dsoul
- duanshuaiminzonli
- edwardxieChina
- fnet123
- gbourMilky Way > Solar system > Earth > Europe > France > 4th door on the left
- gratuxriStuttgart
- icefreedom
- jbg::/0
- jhcloos
- linuxliste
- linven
- matsun
- netaskd
- Neustradamus
- paulasNovorossiysk, Russia
- rauldobrotaLaurențiu Dobrotă
- rocky-zhewell inc.
- send2vinnie
- sharper
- slamj1SaasyCloud™.com
- soujhony@labtrackensino
- timothyklim
- vsaulnier
- Wemago
- wernerd
- wiratama