
Some tips for advanced English


Some tips for advanced English


Making Small Talk -- Always Introduce Yourself 1st

  • Be the first to say hello and introduce yourself
  • Ask questions
  • Be a good listener
  • Show your interest
  • Find out what you and the other person have in common
  • Extend the conversation

Stress -- Key to Understand English

Word Stressed (1 syllabel)

  • Dictionary
  • Compound Nouns: 1st stressed. network, coffee cup.
  • Compound Proper Nouns: last stressed. Newyork city. The Golden Gate Bridge.
  • Nouns and Verbs: Nouns-first, verbs-2nd. record, keep a record. present.
  • Suffixes: -ity, -ion, -ic, -ical, -ian. change the stressed.
  • Many nouns/adjectives and verbs look almost alike, but nouns are one word and verbs are two words. Stress Two-Word Verbs (Compound Verbs) on the 2nd Word BREAKup - break UP, PICKup - pick UP,HANDout - hand OUT, TAKEoff - take OFF

Sentence Stressed

Generally, we stress nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, WH-words, and negative words (e.g., “no,” “not,” “can’t”). They always have a beat—they are longer, louder, and higher. These words are called “content” words. On the other hand, we do not stress prepositions, pronouns, articles, modals and auxiliaries (e.g., can, should, have, be). These words are reduced, unclear, often difficult to hear, and they are shorter, softer, and lower than stressed words. These words are called “structure” words.

Elevator Speech -- Make Connections

6 tips Video Collection Always be prepared for your elevator speech

  • example: Hello, I am so happy to meet you. My name is Sam. I am a student studying in ABC university. My major is artificial intelligence. I have some ideas about your paper *** that published in *** Journal last month. I would love to tell you about them. Here is my contact info. I am looking forward to speaking with you again. Thanks very much.

Video Conference

Speak slowly and maintain steady volume, practice word and sentence stressed, and pay attention.

Group Discussion


  • Yes, I agree.
  • It looks good to me.
  • I think so, too.
  • I definitely agree.
  • I am afraid I don't agree.
  • Actually, I disagree/I have a different idea.
  • I am sorry but I don't agree.
  • That's interesting/possible but I prefer something different.


  • Excuse me. I didn't hear that, could you say it again?
  • Sorry, I missed what you just said. Could you repeat that please?
  • I am sorry, could you explain that again?
  • Excuse me, could you tell me what that means?


  • Thanks, now I get it.
  • Thank you, it is a lot clearer to me now.
  • Thanks, I see what you mean.
  • Thank you for clarifying it.
  • I see, we are going to do ** first.
  • I understand, our first step is to **.

Take a Turn/ Interrupt

  • Excute me. Can I say something here?
  • Could I interrupt you for a minute?
  • Sorry to interrupt. But I'd like to say something here.

Include Others

  • So what do you think?
  • Can you give me your thoughts on this?
  • Do you agree?
  • What's your opinion?

Show Interests

  • That' interesing. Really? I see.

Phone Language


Name, position/role, purpose of call.


  • Could you please confirm the delivery date?
    --Yes, I'd be happy to.
    --I am sorry, I am unable to confirm at this time. I will go back with you as soon as I can.
  • Could you give me more information about this? --Certarinly/Of course, what would you like to know? --Unfortunately, I am not able to at this time. Could I call you back? --Sorry I am busy right now. But I will happy to call you back. Would you mind going over this with me? --Not at all


  • I am sorry, I missed that. What did you just say? -- let me explain
  • Excuse me. I didn't catch you what you just said. Could you say it again please?
  • Sorry, I am not sure I understand. What does that mean? --Certainly, what I mean is


  • Thanks so much. I am looking forward to talking to you again.
  • It's been great talking to you. Thank you goodbye!
  • I've enjoyed this conversation and hope we'll talk again soon.

Can and Can't

Can - short a. Can't - long a.

Teen and Tens

Teen -- /t/ and stressed. Tens -- d/. We use two number phrases, nine thousand two hundred and eighty five, in large numbers except in dates.


Body Language

-ed and -s

vioceless: Ch, F, K, P, S, Sh, T, and Th vioce: B, D, G, J, L, M, N, Ng, R, Sz, Th (as in the word "then"), V, W, Y, and Z.

  • /t/: after voiceless sounds. laughed, locked, crashed, embarrassed
  • /d/: after voiced sounds. worried, called,turned,prepared,rearranged,played
  • /id/: after /t/ or /d/ . invited, waited, located
  • /s/: voiceless sounds. compliments、hopes、laughs
  • /z/: after voiced sounds. clothes, saves, drives
  • /iz/: after sibilant sounds. changes, washes.

Organize Pitch

  • 3 tells: tell what you are going to say. Tell more and tell it again.
  • Audience is important