SnapSort is a trash sorting assistant with the YOLO V3 model. It will take in a video feed from the camera and return visual and audio instructions to users. The project is designed to help people sort their waste properly before waste collection. We placed the device, Jetson TX2 or GTX 1080 with a screen, on top of trash cans to guide people on sorting waste.
The project is built for the University of Washington GIX TECHIN 514 Hardware Software Lab 1 course, Microsoft Imagine Cup, and Alaska Environment Innovation Challenges. The code and dataset are collected and built by Yun Liu, Joey Wang, and I.
The dataset reaches 63% MAP for 12 different categories on an 80/20 train/test split trained on the YOLO v3 object detection model.
The dataset contains 4600 original images including images from Coco Dataset, Google open images v4, and images we collected by ourselves. Images are labeled into 12 classes manually following Seattle Government's recycling rule. After data augmentation, 80% of images are used for training and 20% images are used for testing. The best training result we got is 63% MAP @ 50% confidence threshold.
The Yolo V3 model needs to be installed before using our trained weight. The most Windows-friendly version I found is from AlexAB.
- Python 3 and above
- OpenCV 3.4.0 for Python
- Numpy
- Winsound
Download and unzip all the files into the Yolo build file.
Ex. mine location address C:\darknet-master\build\darknet\x64
Change the file location according to the weights you want to use on line 159~162 in
Option 1. 12 classes detection
configPath = "./backup/0311_files/yolov3_5l-GIX_0304_test.cfg"
weightPath = "./backup/0311_files/yolov3_5l-GIX_0326_best.weights"
metaPath = "./backup/0311_files/"
Option 2. 3 classes detection(Recycle, Landfill, Compost)
configPath = "./backup/0311_files/yolov3_5l-GIX_0308_RLC_test.cfg"
weightPath = "./backup/0311_files/yolov3_5l-GIX_0308_RLC_best.weights"
metaPath = "./backup/0311_files/"
Option 3. 12 classes with Yolo V2
configPath = "./backup/yolov2/yolov2_GIX_test.cfg"
weightPath = "./backup/yolov2/yolov2_GIX_best.weights"
metaPath = "./backup/0311_files/"
Audio instruction will be given every 45 frames(default). It will collect all the detection results in these frames, merge the result for IoU higher than 50%, and give the audio feedback of the highest possibility. You can change the interval on line 14.
AvergeOverTime = 45
You can change the IOU on line 71.
def nms(detections,threshold=.5):
To change video quality:
VWidth = 1280
VHight = 720
To change input camera (0 means built-in camera)
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0, cv2.CAP_DSHOW)
To change thredhold:
detections = darknet.detect_image(netMain, metaMain, darknet_image, thresh=0.2,hier_thresh=0.3, nms=0.4)
Run the code and the detection will start. Hit ESC
to exit.