
Design websites in your browser

Primary LanguageTypeScript

1 GaeaEditor

A cross three end online application editor.

2 Usage

2.1 Installation

npm i gaea-editor --save

2.2 Basic Usage

Install the basic components of the author, or write your own basic components.

npm i gaea-web-components
import {GaeaEditor} from 'gaea-editor'
import webBaseComponents from 'gaea-web-components' // or yours

export default class Demo extends React.Component <any, any> {
    render() {
        return (
            <div style={{width:500, height:400}}>
                <GaeaEditor commonComponents={webBaseComponents}
                            onSave={(saveInfo: string)=>{})}/>

2.2 Component access platform

Any react component can access.

2.2.1 Define editing effect by props


const defaultProps = {
    gaeaName = 'textName' // Component name for the editor shown
    gaeaUniqueKey = 'gaea-text' // Any string that does not repeat
    gaeaEdit = [{
        field: 'text', // edit props.text
        label: 'your custom description',
        editor: 'text' // edit type

Or use higher order components:

import {Input} from 'ant-design'

class MyInput extends React.Component <any, any> {
    defaultProps = defaultProps

    render() {
        return (
            <Input value={this.props.value}/>

export default class Demo extends React.Component <any, any> {
    render() {
        return (
            <GaeaEditor commonComponents={[MyInput]}/>

2.2.2 Define editing effect by json

import {Input} from 'ant-design'

const antdOptions = {
    Input: { // key 'Input' is same with Input's className
        gaeaName = 'antInput'
        gaeaUniqueKey = 'ant-input'
        gaeaEdit = [{
            field: 'value', 
            label: 'antd input value',
            editor: 'text'

export default class Demo extends React.Component <any, any> {
    render() {
        return (
            <GaeaEditor commonComponents={[Text]} customOptions={antdOptions}/>

2.3 Deploy

npm i gaea-preview --save

Remember this function in GaeaEditor -- onSave={(saveInfo: string)=>{})} ? Just pass GaeaPreview this value saveInfo:

import GaeaPreview from 'gaea-preview'

export default class Production extends React.Component <any, any> {
    render() {
        return (
            <GaeaPreview commonComponents={[Text]} value={saveInfo}/>

The page appears.

3 Developer - Create your own plugin

Import EditorManager first.

import {EditorManager} from 'gaea-editor'

The following is a complete screenshot, so you understand the principles of plugin work:




3.1 Render to editor

Then create my-first-plugin.tsx, and render it in the navigation bar:

class MyFirstPlugin extends React.Component <any, any> {
    // Render to the left navbar
    static position = 'navbarLeft'
    render () {
        return (
            <div>Hello world</div>
<GaeaEditor plugins={[MyFirstPlugin]}/>

3.2 Inject data stream

class MyFirstPlugin extends React.Component <any, any> {
    // Render to the left navbar
    static position = 'navbarLeft'
    render () {
        return (
            <div>viewport backgroundColor : {this.props.ApplicationStore.viewportStyle.backgroundColor}</div>

Now change the background color:

@EditorManager.observer(['ApplicationStore', 'ApplicationAction'])
class MyFirstPlugin extends React.Component <any, any> {
    // Render to the left navbar
    static position = 'navbarLeft'
    handleClick () {
            backgroundColor: '#f5f5f5'
    render () {
        return (
            <div onClick={this.handleClick.bind(this)}>viewport backgroundColor : {this.props.ApplicationStore.viewportStyle.backgroundColor}</div>

3.3 With type helper

interface Props {
    ApplicationStore: EditorManager.ApplicationStore
    ApplicationAction: EditorManager.ApplicationAction

@EditorManager.observer(['ApplicationStore', 'ApplicationAction'])
class MyFirstPlugin extends React.Component <Props, {}}> {
    // ...

3.4 Create plugin store

Create store.ts:

export default class MyFirstPluginStore {
    // will auto render component when updated
    @EditorManager.observable variable = 'apple'

Define attribute Store in class, and inject it:

// inject MyFirstPluginStore
class MyFirstPlugin extends React.Component <any, any> {
    static position = 'navbarLeft'
    // Can automatically injected into the editor and referenced by lower case first letter.
    static Store = MyFirstPluginStore
    render () {
        return (

Or inject core store to your store:

export default class MyFirstPluginStore {
    @EditorManager.inject('ViewportStore') private viewport: ViewportStore

    // log current hover mapUniquekey
    @EditorManager.computed get currentHoverTreeDom() {
        return 'current hover mapUniqueKey: ' + this.viewport.currentHoverComponentMapUniqueKey

3.5 Create plugin action

Similar to create store, can inject any store:

export default class MyFirstPluginAction {
    @EditorManager.inject('MyFirstPluginStore') private myFirstPluginStore: myFirstPluginStore

    @EditorManager.action('set variable') setVariable(variable: string) {
        this.myFirstPluginStore.variable = variable

Inject and use it:

@EditorManager.observer(['MyFirstPluginStore', 'MyFirstPluginAction'])
class MyFirstPlugin extends React.Component <any, any> {
    static position = 'navbarLeft'
    static Store = MyFirstPluginStore
    static Action = MyFirstPluginAction
    componentWillMount () {
    render () {
        return (

3.6 Create Plugin render position

In addition to rendering in the editor to provide location such as the navigation bar, the plug-in can also set aside their own location for other plug-ins to expand.

class MyFirstPlugin extends React.Component <any, any> {
    // Render to the left navbar
    static position = 'navbarLeft'
    render () {
        return (
                <div className="left-hook">
                    // other plugin can set to this position:
                    // static position = 'myPluginLeftHook'
                <div className="right-hook">

3.7 Extend Edit Type

You can named static position='editorAttributeCustomName' to handle editor='customName'.

3.8 Deploy plugin

Gaia editor included the following plug-ins to ensure that the core function of stability:

  • tab-tools
  • tab-tools-components
  • tab-tools-components-common
  • tab-tools-components-custom
  • tab-tools-components-combo
  • tab-tools-version
  • editor-tabs
  • editor-tabs-attribute
  • editor-tabs-attribute-text
  • editor-tabs-attribute-number
  • editor-tabs-attribute-background
  • editor-tabs-attribute-border
  • editor-tabs-attribute-font
  • editor-tabs-attribute-instance
  • editor-tabs-attribute-layout
  • editor-tabs-attribute-margin-padding
  • editor-tabs-attribute-overflow
  • editor-tabs-attribute-position
  • editor-tabs-attribute-select
  • editor-tabs-attribute-switch
  • editor-tabs-attribute-width-height
  • editor-tabs-event
  • preview
  • publish
  • save
  • copy-paste
  • crumbs
  • delete
  • viewport-size
  • viewport-guideline
  • show-layout-button
  • tree
  • global-setting
  • external-variable-button
  • external-variable
  • external-variable-editor
  • external-variable-editor-label

You can also manually add your own plug-ins by the following way, if you want to be built in the project, you can send me an e-mail.

<GaeaEditor plugins={[MyFirstPlugin]}/>

3.9 core data stream

3.9.1 Actions

ApplicationAction ViewportAction EventAction ApplicationAction

Method Params Description
loadingPluginByPosition position: string, props: any = {} load plugins UI who's static position equal position
setViewportStyle style: React.CSSProperties
setViewportContainerStyle style: React.CSSProperties
getComponentClassByGaeaUniqueKey gaeaUniqueKey: string get Class by uniqueKey
setPreview inPreview: boolean set preview statu
updatePage pageValue: string re render full editor viewport
toggleLeftBar type: string ViewportAction

Method Params Description
setRootMapUniqueKey string Initialization of the automatic implementation, it is best not to manually modify
setViewportDom dom: HTMLElement Initialization of the automatic implementation, it is best not to manually modify
setComponent mapUniqueKey: string, componentInfo: FitGaea.ViewportComponentInfo set viewport component info
addNewComponent uniqueKey: string, parentMapUniqueKey: string, index: number
moveComponent sourceMapUniqueKey: string, sourceIndex: number, targetMapUniqueKey: string, targetIndex: number Cross parent drag
horizontalMoveComponent parentMapUniqueKey: string, beforeIndex: number, afterIndex: number Rank with the parent
addComboComponent parentMapUniqueKey: string, componentFullInfo: FitGaea.ViewportComponentFullInfo, index: number Add an element with an existing attribute
addComboComponentBySource parentMapUniqueKey: string, componentFullInfoSource: string, index: number combo component with compressed source
removeComponent mapUniqueKey: string If the current component has child elements, it will all be removed
setCurrentHoverComponentMapUniqueKey mapUniqueKey: string
setCurrentEditComponentMapUniqueKey mapUniqueKey: string
createUniqueKey Basic method
setDomInstance mapUniqueKey: string, dom: HTMLElement
removeDomInstance mapUniqueKey: string
startDrag dragInfo: FitGaea.CurrentDragComponentInfo Rarely used
endDrag Rarely used
setDragTargetInfo mapUniqueKey: string, index: number Rarely used
setLayoutComponentActive active: boolean
updateCurrentEditComponentProps field: string, value: any is used very often
updateComponentProps mapUniqueKey: string, field: string, value: any change any component's props
resetProps mapUniqueKey: string
clean For example, to close the edit state, the equivalent of the user did not do any operations
addToParent mapUniqueKey: string, parentMapUniqueKey: string, index: number
registerInnerDrag mapUniqueKey: string, dragParentElement: HTMLElement, groupName = 'gaea-can-drag-in', sortableParam: any = {} set viewport draggable
registerOuterDrag dragParentElement: HTMLElement, groupName = 'gaea-can-drag-in' set menu draggable
getComponentFullInfoByMapUniqueKey mapUniqueKey: string EventAction

Method Params Description
emit eventType: EventType, context?: any dispatch event
on eventType: EventType, callback: Function, context?: any listener event
off eventType: EventType, callback: Function Cancel listener event

3.9.2 Stores

ApplicationStore ViewportStore EventStore ApplicationStore

Data Type Description
editorProps FitGaea.PropsDefine GaeaEditor's props
customComponents Array<React.ComponentClass<FitGaea.ComponentProps>> custom Component Class
navbarHeight number
plugins Array<FitGaea.Plugin> core and custom plugins
pageValue string editor viewport full value
viewportStyle React.CSSProperties
viewportContainerStyle React.CSSProperties
inPreview boolean
leftBarType string ViewportStore

Data Type Description
components map<FitGaea.ViewportComponentInfo> viewport's all component instance's mapped value
componentDomInstances Map<string,HTMLElement> viewport's all component instance's dom
rootMapUniqueKey string root component's mapUniqueKey
viewportDom HTMLElement viewport container's dom
currentHoverComponentMapUniqueKey string
currentHoverComponentDom HTMLElement
currentEditComponentMapUniqueKey string
currentEditComponentInfo FitGaea.ViewportComponentInfo
currentDragComponentInfo FitGaea.ViewportComponentInfo
showEditComponents boolean show edit box?
isLayoutComponentActive boolean show empty layout component?
currentEditComponentPath Array eg:['self-key', 'parent1-key', 'parent2-key', 'root-key'] EventStore

Data Type Description
mouseLeaveViewport string
mouseHoveringComponent string
viewportUpdated string
viewportDomUpdate string