
[WIP] A tool for generating data and extraction rules from web.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A tool for generating data and extraction rules from web.

contributions welcome Website Tests


Pickup is a web-based tool for creating css/xpath rules and scraping data from the internet by clicking.

Only tested in Chrome.


  • Lightweight: No need to install any things, including the browser plugins.
  • Flexible: We supported local development, server and service worker.
  • Friendly: A user friendly UI that help you to create your data adn rules fast.

Modes compares

Get Started

There is no any production-ready version released. The local development mode is the only way to use for now.

Development mode

  1. Clone the source code in to your local path
  2. Enter the project directory and run
    yarn && yarn start
  3. Waiting for prcessing finished, and open the development server, most of http://localhost:3000

Service Worker mode


Server mode