
Creates a text file with challenges for Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, a la Adef's randomizer.

Primary LanguagePython

Breath of the Wild Challenge Randomizer

"Randomizer" and "Challenge"

Adef created a really fun "randomizer" for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. This isn't a "true" randomizer because we aren't modifying the game at all. This is designed for anyone to use and get into as they please.

Basically, it randomizes the rules for a sort of Challenge Mode, where we must abide by restrictions and complete all objectives (however we can).

  • Objective/Restriction: Acquire Armor Set
  • Restriction: Bows
  • Restriction: Weapons
  • Restriction: Shields
  • Objective: Complete some aspect of collection
  • Objective: Complete some game objective

We can only use the Bows, Weapons, and Shields listed above. If we accidentally pick up another of those items from a different class, then we must immediately drop it (unless required for an objection). The only Armor we are allowed to wear is the one specified, and we MUST acquire it.

We get two objectives that we must complete. If you are doing timed runs, the timer stops when all of the objectives (including armor) are met. These objectives can be collection of certain things (20 Korok seeds, or shrine completions), or they can be game objectives (defeat Ganon, complete two Divine Beasts).

These objectives take varying amounts of time for each individual, and so one objective of this program is to provide different difficulty tiers.


  • Create list of assets
    • use SQLite
  • Create the randomizer
  • Add objectives in different tiers
  • Add functionality to select difficulty
  • Package this for reuse
    • use Click to make this a CLI program with args
    • figure out how to use Rich with click.echo() to output styled text
  • Create an OBS script ?


Using Rich and Click together

Rich documentation

Click documentation