An api that returns sunrise, solar noon, and sunset times for a given lat/long in the given timezone.
I'd love to set notifications/alarms for when sunrise, solar noon, and sunset are each day, so that I can do sandhyaavandanam at the appropriate time. I likely want them a set time prior to the atmospheric event in question. This is probably best done on my phone or in a browser app.
I figure, as a backend dev, I'd start with the API structure. I'd probably want to cache so that I don't run afoul of the generous API limitations. I'll want to deploy using AWS and then add a way to authenticate - maybe account signup, with clear delineations of what data I store and why.
I'll probably learn some Flutter to make a web and mobile app. On mobile, I can query for device permissions for GPS, Date/Time, and Notifications, and then add some controls:
- which event you want a notification for
- offset for each event
- specify address instead of using lat/long ? (depends on geocoding api limitations)
- preferred timezone (query device)
Some long-term nice-to-haves (that I probably won't get to for a very long time, if at all) are:
- Specifying a veda
- Specifying vaishnava or shaakta/shaiva
- Hindu calendar type
- Getting time based on Hindu calendar
- Adding a spot for abhivaadana details (RSi, gotra, pravara, etc), to fill in the script for you
- Using all of the above to generate a proper procedure/mantras
- Adding a step by step process to learn (screen by screen)
Run a backend in FastAPI starlette -api (for fun and profit) to take requests, check a redis cache, and if nothing's there, call a lambda which then populates the cache. Should go by lat/long and date.
Write a lambda that takes lat/long, date, and tz (opt), and returns the sunrise, solar noon, and sunset times, in tz if specified or UTC if not.
Run a redis cache. Possibly cache times for a week in advance?
Look into (and add attribution where relevant).
Create a mobile app that hooks into the OS for relevant details and creates the required notifications.
Create a web app in flutter to see what all the fuss is about, and enable browser notifications.
Provide prompts for perms, point to a good privacy policy, explain account details, attribute dependent APIs, etc.