
Sproutcore 2.0 adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.

Primary LanguageRuby


This is a gem for integration of SproutCore 2.0 with Rails 3.1 assets pipeline.

It provide direct requires for official sproutcore packages :

  • sproutcore
  • sproutcore-datastore
  • sproutcore-statechart
  • sproutcore-touch

And it also provides one unnoficial package :

  • sproutcore-i18n (integration with i18n-js gem)

Rasputin also provide sprockets engine for handlebars templates. Any template in your javascript assets folder with extention handlebars will be availabel in sproutcore.

Examples :

todos/templates/item.handlebars >> SC.TEMPLATES['todos/item']
todos/ui/templates/stats.handlebars >> SC.TEMPLATES['todos/ui/stats']
todos/templates/collection.hbs >> SC.TEMPLATES['todos/collection']

If you want to keep using old naming scheme, put this in your rails configuration block :

config.rasputin.template_name_separator = '_'

The new default is '/'

Precompilation :

Starting with 0.9.0 release, Rasputin will precompile your handlebars templates. If you do not want this behavior you can tourn it off in your rails configuration block :

config.rasputin.precompile_handlebars = false

If you use Slim templates, you can use handlebars filter :

    {{view SC.Button}}OK{{/view}}

It will be translated as :

<script type="text/x-handlebars">
    {{view SC.Button}}OK{{/view}}


In Gemfile:

gem 'rasputin'

In your javascript asset manifest (app/assets/javascripts/application.js) add the following:

//= require sproutcore

And any of the following you want to include:

//= require sproutcore-datastore
//= require sproutcore-statechart
//= require sproutcore-touch
//= require sproutcore-i18n

In your stylesheet asset manifest (app/assets/stylesheets/application.css) add the following:

 * = require normalize



  • you can change templates naming scheme in your configuration
  • add .hbs extention support


  • add support for Handlebars precompilation (thanks to @SlexAxton)
  • add slim filter
  • change templates naming scheme, use '/' instead of '_'


  • rails 3.1 support
  • fix sproutcore-touch


  • add normalize.css


  • remove unofficial packages. Prepare for more stable releases in sync with upstream.
  • sproutcore-jui will move in to it's own gem

0.7.1 :

  • add sproutcore-touch

0.7.0 :

  • add sproutcore-bricks

0.6.0 :

  • update to lates sproutcore 2 (beta3)
  • lots of fixes for sproutcore-jui