
Demo application presented during my "Introduction to SAT Solving" talk at the OR Meetup Leipzig in June 2019.

Primary LanguagePython

SAT Solver Optimization Demo

This is the source code for the demo application presented during my "Introduction to SAT Solving" talk at the OR Meetup Leipzig in June 2019.

The code is written in Python 3. Apart from view_sol.py the code also works with PyPy3 (JIT compiled Python). For large problem instances, CNF generation is a lot faster using PyPy3.

External dependencies are the CaDiCaL SAT solver, which is used as a library and Pygame which is used for displaying the solutions.

CaDiCaL needs to be built as a shared library, this can be automatically done using ./build_libcadical.sh which will also download the CaDiCaL source code from GitHub. For non-Linux systems the build script and the pycadical.py bindings need to be adjusted.

To solve the equivalent integer programming formulation of the problem, the Cbc command line solver is required. A different command line solver that supports the .mps format can be used by changing the last line of the optimize method in packing_ip.py.


  • demo.py -- Command line tool to generate and solve problem instances
  • shapes.py -- Defines the well known shapes used in the example
  • gen_instances.py -- Generates random problem instances
  • pycadical.py -- Python bindings to the CaDiCaL SAT solver
  • build_libcadical.sh -- Build script for CaDiCaL as shared library
  • sorting_network.py -- Batcher odd–even mergesort sorting networks
  • packing.py -- Implementation of the model presented during the talk
  • packing_ip.py -- Implementation of the equivalent IP model
  • view_sol.py -- Pygame based viewer of solution_x.json files
  • build_libcadical.sh -- Build script for CaDiCaL as shared library
  • sat-intro.pdf -- Slides of the talk


The demo shown during the talk was

pypy3 demo.py --steps 100 --fill 28 --duration 4 --height 5 --max-width 20 --seed 1

The demo.py script supports several command line options, see pypy3 demo.py --help.

Using python3 instead of pypy3 also works but takes longer to generate the SAT instance.

The found solutions will be written to the current directory as solution_{width}.json and can be viewed using python3 view_sol.py solution_{width}.json. Use the escape key to exit and the cursor keys to step through time. Pressing and holding the space bar automatically steps through time.

Larger Instances

This approach scales quite well with an increasing number of time steps. This 10 times larger problem is solved within 10 minutes

pypy3 demo.py --steps 1000 --fill 28 --duration 4 --height 5 --max-width 20 --seed 1

Appending the --verbose flag makes it less boring to watch :)

Using Integer Programming

When using integer programming, the extra redundant cardinality constraints used to speed up SAT solving cause a large slow down. They can be disabled by passing the option --no-cardinality option.

With the Cbc solver, the optimal solution is only found for very small problems and the solver is not able to rule out better solutions. Commercial MILP solvers are a lot better at this problem, but as far as I can tell, deliver not anywhere near the speed that SAT solvers do.