Geotab Drive Addin Template

This is a template that can be used to create Geotab Drive add-ins. For information about Geotab Drive add-ons refer to here: Geotab - Developing Addins

About This Template

This template builds upon the template currently available in Yeoman, but utilizes WebPack in conjunction with the latest available versions (a/o 10/2019) of Gulp and Babel.

Typescript support can easily be added by modifying the webpack config and uncommenting the typescript support section.

Gulp Commands

Serve the files for debugging purposes:


By default, this command does not automatically launch a browser. To change this functionality, edit tasks/server.js and set the option open: true

Publish the production files to the dist folder:

gulp publish

Lint is used as a part of the gulp series for most other build tasks, but can be ran by itself with the following:

gulp lint

To run tests:

gulp test


This template can be used in numerous IDE's, but there is built-in support for VSCode debugging in conjunction with the Chrome Debugger extension via the ./vscode files. Debugging is as simple as running the "gulp" command and then hitting F5 with full support for adding breakpoints in your code and stepping through logic.