
Put your asset catalog launch images to work for you.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


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Asset Catalogs in Xcode 5+ are pretty neat. You can keep all of your app's assets in one place, you can see at a glance which image scales you're using, and you can even use asset catalogs for your app's icon and launch image.

When your app first launches, you'll probably have some loading or setup to do before you can display your initial user interface. Instead of showing your user a broken or half-loaded interface, why not animate a smooth transition from your app's launch image to your fully loaded user interface? Unlike normal images in your asset catalog, unfortunately it is not obvious how to reach into your asset catalog to programmatically access the correct launch image for the user's current device.

IFTTTLaunchImage is a set of classes that simplify working with launch images in your asset catalog as well as nib-based launch screens.

What's in the Box

  • UIImage+IFTTTLaunchImage and UIDevice+IFTTTLaunchImage are simple categories that make it easy to access the correct launch image for the user's current device.
  • IFTTTSplashView is a view containing your launch image or launch screen that you can display when your app launches. When your app has finished launching and loading its initial interface, the splash view can be dismissed using one of several nifty built-in animations.

IFTTTSplashView also has full support for UINib-based Launch Screens as well as splash screens that display a custom UIView. Check out IFTTTSplashView.h for more details.


ExampleImage is an app that animates from its launch image to its initial interface.

ExampleLaunchScreen is an app that animates from its nib-based launch screen to its initial interface.

To try the example projects:

pod try IFTTTLaunchImage

Or just open IFTTTLaunchImage.xcworkspace or open IFTTTLaunchScreen.xcworkspace.

Here it is in action in the ExampleImage app, using the built-in animation IFTTTSplashAnimationDrop:



To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory.


IFTTTLaunchImage is available through CocoaPods. To install it, add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "IFTTTLaunchImage"


Jonathan Hersh


IFTTTLaunchImage is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

Copyright © 2015 IFTTT Inc.