Official implementation of paper "ASMFS: Adaptive-Similarity-based Multi-modality Feature Selection for Classification of Alzheimer's Disease".

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ASMFS: Adaptive-Similarity-Based Multi-modality Feature Selection for Classification of Alzheimer's Disease

This repository is the official implementation of our paper "ASMFS: Adaptive-Similarity-based Multi-modality Feature Selection for Classification of Alzheimer's Disease".

ASMFS is a novel multi-modal feature selection method for classification of Alzheumer's Disease, which performs adaptive similarity learning and feature selection simultaneously.

Our contributions are as follows.

  • A novel multi-modality feature selection method named ASMFS is proposed to simultaneously perform similarity learning and feature selection. With the manifold hypothesis introduced, the similarity learning can derive a more accurate similarity matrix by preserving local structure information.
  • An adaptive learning strategy with regard to the similarity matrix is proposed to better depict the structure of data in low-dimensional space. Therefore, the similarity matrix is more informative, and thus helpful to select more discriminative features.
  • The similarity matrix is designed to be shared among different modality data collected from the same subject. By doing so, it can retrieve the collective information among multiple modalities as prior knowledge to further improve the performance of multi-modality feature selection.
  • Evaluated on the AD classification task with the MRI and FDG-PET data from the ADNI database, our proposed ASMFS is demonstrated to be effective and superior in identifying disease status and discovering the disease sensitive biomarkers compared with other feature selection.


The data involved in this paper are obtained from the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) database (www.loni.usc.edu). The proposed method is compared with six existing multimodal classification methods including

  • standard SVM with linear kernel (denoted as SVM) [1]
  • standard SVM with linear kernel and further employ LASSO [2] for feature selection (denoted as lassoSVM)
  • multi-kernel SVM (denoted as MKSVM) [3]
  • multi-kernel SVM with LASSO feature selection performed independently on single modality (denoted as lassoMKSVM) [4]
  • multi-kernel SVM using multi-modal feature selection method (denoted as MTFS) [5]
  • multi-kernel SVM with manifold regularized multitask feature learning (denoted as M2TFS) [6]

ASMFS works well for Alzhermer's Disease classification, the results for AD vs. NC, MCI vs. NC and MCI-C vs. MCI-NC are shown below.

Table 1 Comparison of performance of different methods for AD vs. NC classification

Method Accuracy (%) Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) F1 Score AUC
SVM 88.24±0.0972 91.07±0.1155 85.57±0.1591 88.61±0.0925 0.9471±0.0007
lassoSVM 90.90±0.0873 90.60±0.1240 91.23±0.1233 90.71±0.0900 0.9460±0.0007
MKSVM 91.87±0.0875 92.30±0.1249 91.63±0.1160 91.68±0.0927 0.9526±0.0007
lassoMKSVM 92.33±0.0739 93.47±0.1030 91.30±0.1261 92.41±0.0726 0.9534±0.0007
MTFS 92.52±0.0816 93.77±0.1115 91.37±0.1213 92.50±0.0846 0.9541±0.0007
M2TFS 95.00±0.0707 94.67±0.1009 95.40±0.0826 94.85±0.0740 0.9636±0.0006
ASMFS 96.76±0.0545 96.10±0.0836 97.47±0.0660 96.63±0.0573 0.9703±0.0006

Table 2 Comparison of performance of different methods for MCI vs. NC classification

Method Accuracy (%) Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) F1 Score AUC
SVM 70.62±0.1035 84.03±0.1176 45.20±0.2111 81.04±0.0599 0.7463±0.0013
lassoSVM 73.40±0.1167 81.62±0.1358 58.00±0.2141 79.78±0.0960 0.7852±0.0013
MKSVM 73.17±0.0983 80.69±0.1141 59.00±0.2189 79.62±0.0762 0.7276±0.0014
lassoMKSVM 74.19±0.0894 86.57±0.1098 50.70±0.2703 81.44±0.0647 0.7539±0.0012
MTFS 74.86±0.0911 82.19±0.1135 61.07±0.2066 80.91±0.0716 0.7296±0.0014
M2TFS 78.97±0.0766 86.73±0.1070 64.53±0.2515 84.35±0.0561 0.7526±0.0014
ASMFS 80.73±0.0950 85.98±0.1081 70.90±0.2135 85.30±0.0738 0.7875±0.0014

Table 3 Comparison of performance of different methods for MCI-c vs. MCI-NC classification

Method Accuracy (%) Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) F1 Score AUC
SVM 56.45±0.1338 31.55±0.2126 75.90±0.2024 36.21±0.2195 0.6341±0.0017
lassoSVM 58.76±0.1394 48.75±0.2422 66.43±0.2127 48.69±0.1972 0.5830±0.0017
MKSVM 58.80±0.1206 54.45±0.2293 62.43±0.2202 51.74±0.1625 0.5753±0.0017
lassoMKSVM 61.73±0.1369 51.10±0.2469 70.23±0.2109 51.67±0.2032 0.6086±0.0018
MTFS 63.52±0.1220 59.65±0.2514 66.70±0.2108 56.63±0.1762 0.5894±0.0017
M2TFS 67.53±0.1059 54.50±0.2629 77.47±0.1873 55.84±0.2182 0.6647±0.0017
ASMFS 69.41±0.1194 65.30±0.2151 72.83±0.1811 63.98±0.1485 0.6534±0.0017



  title={ASMFS: Adaptive-Similarity-based Multi-modality Feature Selection for Classification of Alzheimer's Disease},
  author={Shi, Yuang and Zu, Chen and Hong, Mei and Zhou, Luping and Wang, Lei and Wu, Xi and Zhou, Jiliu and Zhang, Daoqiang and Wang, Yan},
  journal={Pattern Recognition},


[1] Kloppel, S., et al. "Automatic classification of MR scans in Alzheimer’s disease.” Brain. (2008): 681-689.

[2] Tibshirani, Robert. "Regression shrinkage and selection via the lasso: a retrospective." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 73.3 (2011): 273-282.

[3] Bach, Francis R., Gert RG Lanckriet, and Michael I. Jordan. "Multiple kernel learning, conic duality, and the SMO algorithm." Proceedings of the twenty-first international conference on Machine learning. ACM, 2004.

[4] Huang, Shuai, et al. "Identifying Alzheimer's disease-related brain regions from multi-modality neuroimaging data using sparse composite linear discrimination analysis." Advances in neural information processing systems. 2011.

[5] Zhang, Daoqiang, Dinggang Shen, and Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. "Multi-modal multi-task learning for joint prediction of multiple regression and classification variables in Alzheimer's disease." NeuroImage 59.2 (2012): 895-907.

[6] Jie, Biao, et al. "Manifold regularized multitask feature learning for multimodality disease classification." Human brain mapping 36.2 (2015): 489-507.