Clinical Data Scientist and Advanced Analytics - Big data graduate who loves to play with data and pursues creative projects with it
SGH Warsaw School of EconomicsWarsaw, Poland
Pinned Repositories
As a part of R final project, this project is to analyze Bestseller Books of 2010~2020 which listed on Amazon.com Bestseller list. I crawled Bestseller data from Amazon page using crawler code that I wrote. Through this project, I wanted to see if variables such as book price, ratings, number of reviews, year, etc...have any affect or relationship with books being bestseller.
Bank Marketing Analysis & Prediction using R
This is a project for creating a telegram chatbot offering the real-time COVID Information🦠to the users. In this version, the information is only confined to 'South Korea COVID' related info. There are 3 things you can get by talking to this chatbot as follows: 1) Today's new COVID case in South Korea Recent ; 2) News (headlines and direct links to article) with keyword 'south korea covid' ; 3) Images related to COVID (with keyword: how to fight covid)
This work is part of the Final Project for Data Mining class which was focused on DM technique in SAS Enterprise Miner. While following the SEMMA methodology, we used Python to proceed our project for more flexibility and diversity of EDA/Visualization of results.
A helpful 5-page machine learning cheatsheet to assist with exam reviews, interview prep, and anything in-between.
This is a repository of codes used for the experiments in Master's thesis "Analysis on Factors contributing to Success of Startups: Unsupervised and Supervised Learning Approach to Predict Success".
Analysis of the Satisfaction of the country’s economy influencing main source of income in EU (in Subjective & Objective aspect)
This team project is a data quality analysis project using SAS with Credit approval process data. The project tasks are mainly focused on i) Missing data detection; ii) Outlier, untypical values detection; iii) Stability in time with tabular form and visualization.
jiyoungkimcr's Repositories
Bank Marketing Analysis & Prediction using R
A helpful 5-page machine learning cheatsheet to assist with exam reviews, interview prep, and anything in-between.
This team project is a data quality analysis project using SAS with Credit approval process data. The project tasks are mainly focused on i) Missing data detection; ii) Outlier, untypical values detection; iii) Stability in time with tabular form and visualization.
As a part of R final project, this project is to analyze Bestseller Books of 2010~2020 which listed on Amazon.com Bestseller list. I crawled Bestseller data from Amazon page using crawler code that I wrote. Through this project, I wanted to see if variables such as book price, ratings, number of reviews, year, etc...have any affect or relationship with books being bestseller.
This is a project for creating a telegram chatbot offering the real-time COVID Information🦠to the users. In this version, the information is only confined to 'South Korea COVID' related info. There are 3 things you can get by talking to this chatbot as follows: 1) Today's new COVID case in South Korea Recent ; 2) News (headlines and direct links to article) with keyword 'south korea covid' ; 3) Images related to COVID (with keyword: how to fight covid)
This work is part of the Final Project for Data Mining class which was focused on DM technique in SAS Enterprise Miner. While following the SEMMA methodology, we used Python to proceed our project for more flexibility and diversity of EDA/Visualization of results.
This is a repository of codes used for the experiments in Master's thesis "Analysis on Factors contributing to Success of Startups: Unsupervised and Supervised Learning Approach to Predict Success".
Analysis of the Satisfaction of the country’s economy influencing main source of income in EU (in Subjective & Objective aspect)
SLM prediction summer 2021
Crypto portfolio manager App built using Python, Streamlit with Binance API and Newscatcher API
Collection of notebooks for intermediate python course
This repository is created as a part of homework for Real Time Analytics course. This enables deploying a sklearn model (perceptron model with Iris dataset) using Flask and a Docker container.
Repository for courseworks done in Big Data class. (Mostly done using Python, SQL, R, Spark R in Databricks)