
3rd homework for the "IFT6135 : Representation learning" course at Udem. M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics at Polytechnique Montréal.

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IFT6135: Representation Learning, third assignment.


This is the third assignment of the IFT6135: Representation-Learning, taught by Prof. Aaron Courville.


Variational autoencoders (VAEs, Questions 1-3), autoregressive models (Question 4), and generative adversarial networks (GANs, Questions 5-7) : Statement and Solution.


Generative models: Statement.

This is a joint work with Abderrahim Khalifa, Yann Bouteiller and Amine Bellahsen.

Problem 1: implementing an estimator for the Jensen-Shannon divergence and another for the Wasserstein distance between two distributions


Problem 2: training a Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) on the binarized MNIST dataset


Problem 3: comparing two generative models, the WGAN-GP model and the VAE model using the SVHN dataset
