
API based on REST and Clean Architecture principles.


make docker # Build and deploy docker image with Postgres  
make run # Run server
make test # Run test
make bench # Run benchmark for task* (separate PR)


Script will be initialized upon deploying the Postgres image.

Database diagram

    merchants {
        int id PK
        string name
        int phone
        string password
        string email
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp deleted_at

    customers {
        int id PK
        string full_name
        int phone
        string email
        string password
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp deleted_at

    products {
        int id PK
        int merchant_id FK
        string name
        text description
        bigint price
        products_status status
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp deleted_at

    orders {
        int id PK
        int customer_id FK
        order_status status
        timestamp created_at
        timestamp deleted_at

    order_items {
        int order_id FK
        int product_id FK
        int quantity
        int price

    merchants ||--o{ products : has
    customers ||--o{ orders : places 
    orders ||--|{ order_items : contains 
    products ||--|{ order_items :contains 


Based on the REST design conventions it seems reasonable to follow a common pattern of using nested resources. This approach makes API more organized and easier to navigate for clients and also reflect the relationship between resources.

  • /api/merchants/:id/products
  • /api/customers/:id/orders
  • /api/orders/:id/items
  • etc.

Flattened structure will look like this.

Endpoint Method Description
/auth/signup POST Create a new user account
/auth/login POST Auth user with email/phone and password
/auth/login POST Log out the current user
/merchants POST Creates a new merchant
/merchants GET Fetch list of all merchants
/merchants/:id PUT Updates the merchant by id
/merchants/:id GET Returns the merchant by id
/merchants/:id DELETE Deletes the merchant by id
/products POST Creates a new product
/products GET Fetches a list of all products
/products/:id GET Returns the product by id
/products/:id PUT Updates the product by id
/products/:id DELETE Deletes the product by id
/customers POST Creates a new customer
/customers GET Fetches a list of all customers
/customers/:id GET Returns the customer by id
/customers/:id PUT Updates the customer by id
/customers/:id DELETE Deletes the customer by id
/orders POST Creates a new order
/orders GET Fetches a list of all orders
/orders/:id GET Returns the order by id
/orders/:id PUT Updates the order by id
/orders/:id DELETE Deletes the order by id


not finished...

graph TD;
  subgraph "Interactors Layer"
    PI((ProductInteractor)) -->|uses| PR(ProductRepo)
    PI -->|uses| L(Logger)
    subgraph "Entities Layer"
      E(Product) --- PI

  subgraph "Repository Layer"
    PR -->|implements| PIR(ProductRepo)
    subgraph "Database Layer"
      D(Database) --- PIR

  subgraph "Transport Layer"
    subgraph "API Handlers"
      H1[HTTP Handler 1] -->|uses| PI
      H2[HTTP Handler 2] -->|uses| PI

    subgraph "Router"
      R[HTTP Router] -->|routes| H1
      R -->|routes| H2