
Skype Bot to record call and parse through BING and LUIS

Primary LanguageC#

Skype Calling Bot Sample

A sample bot showing how to use the Skype Bot Plaform for Calling API for receiving and handling Skype voice calls.

The bot shall handle the call, record it and send it for analysis to the BING API. Then it recieves the text and sends it to LUIS for text analysis.

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Skype Bot Platform for Calling API provides a mechanism for receiving and handling Skype voice calls by bots.


The minimum prerequisites to run this sample are:

  • The latest update of Visual Studio 2015. You can download the community version here for free.
  • Skype Preview. To install the Skype Preview, get the app from here.
  • To fully test this sample you must:
    • Publish your bot, for example to Azure or use Ngrok to interact with your local bot in the cloud.
    • Register you bot in Microsoft Bot Framework Portal. Please refer to this for the instructions. Once you complete the registration, update the Bot's Web.config file with the registered config values (Bot Id, MicrosoftAppId and MicrosoftAppPassword).
    • Enable the Skype Channel and update the settings by enabling 1:1 audio cals and updating the Calling Webhook to be https:://{your domain}/api/calling/call. Refer to this for more information on how to configure channels.
    • Update the Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Calling.CallbackUrl setting of the Bot's Web.config file with the callback route https://{yourdomain}/api/calling/callback.
    • Subscribe to the Microsoft Cognitive Services Bing Speech API here to get a key to use the API. Update the MicrosoftSpeechApiKey setting of the Bot's Web.config with the obtained key.
    • Change the Uri to the endpoint URL in GetEntityFromLUIS function to the URI obtained from the LUIS API.