Model View Interaction design pattern for selenium/web driver based test automation
Model View Interaction
Model = Test Data Objects
View = Object representation of visual elements in a page(titles, buttons,
input elements), views should not have much user interaction code in them -
Interaction = User interactions which act on page objects via their
selectors. Repetitive sequences of actions can be abstracted further into a interface to improve usability and maintenance
Page object patterns? Factories to generate pages? Re-useable components that exist on multiple pages e.g. navigation bars, web form elements like date pickers, custom drop down lists?
Good test data model design: ERD, identify if relational data and design objects accordingly, provide options in interface for model design
Multiple Language Examples: Selenium web driver examples, capybara examples, #{insert language heres popular UI framework abstraction library here}, python examples, .NET/Java examples
Focus on design patterns, patterns established here and invididual language implementations should be there own 'fork' or implementations, e.g. MPI-python, MPI-ruby, MPI-.NET
S.O.L.I.D. theory and explanation for better object oriented code Best practices for this kind of code and these kind of patterns?
Mobile? MVC pattern is popular as well. How can this pattern be used in testing other software with visual interfaces.