In this repos here we will develop the Bio435_week2

getting in contact w/ R programming language, RStudio and github

In order to do some nice formatting in Rmarkdown, you can use the following cheatsheet:


Potentially useful for Self-assessment:

  • 8 simple base R questions with single choice.

GOALS for Week 2:

  • know what is git and github
  • get yourself a github account
  • clone or branch the proposed repository and commit some changes at various positions
    • add your phone Nr and push it to the main branch
    • in the assignment folder add a folder with your group names and do the exercise in R
    • commit your code and your results as well *Do the first chapter of the free datacamp course Introduction to R:

Quite useful collection of Tutorials here --> we would need to recommend one or two!

Some more useful online Tutorials to get familiar w/ git and github (commented):

  • have a look at some if you struggle with the GOALS for Week 2 -> first section free, very useful with exercises -> 1:08 hr, EN, useful, VScode, -> 40min, DE, 2021

Git in RStudio: -> 11 tiny small videos -> do git repos from RStudio -> 20min

RStudio w/ git -> collaborating on a project w/ RStudio and git

About R. -> various Tutorials to R

Generic Github account:

Here some useful info to write here

Without loggin in and being collaborator you can fork the repository and then propose changes in a pull request (PR)