
A simple boilerplate using Vue3, Vite, and TailwindCSS for my projects.

Primary LanguageVue

Saturday, January 29, 2022 @ 12:19:10 PM

Using this fabulous repo 👍 https://github.com/web2033/vite-vue3-tailwind-starter

Starting a new starter template with Vite, Vue, and TailwindCSS

To Do:

Wednesday, February 9, 2022 @ 01:06:11 AM

Trying to get the page title to reflect the current navigated page but I can't get anything to work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6qpsmkuJ8c Not even that one.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022 @ 09:27:25 AM

Filed an Issue with the repo maintainer 'web2033' and he replied how to fix the navigation issue I was having. Simple solution.

He also recommends this 3rd party addon:

Document head manager for Vue 3.

@vueuse/head is a Vue composition API that helps you manage <title>, and other elements inside document head, it has no dependencies and we always try to keep it as slim as possible.

Thursday February 10 @ 00:49

Was reading about UnCSS and it was mentioned that TailwindCSS stole some of their ideas from WindiCSS.

So now I really want to switch from TailwindCSS to WindiCSS.

Also, the Lead Developer of UnoCSS is Anthony Fu, who also is a Developer of Vite (he also made Vitesse).

MIGRATION GUIDE HERE! https://windicss.org/guide/migration.html https://windicss.org/integrations/vite.html

This keeps getting fucking sweeter and sweeter!!! https://windicss.org/features/analyzer.html

OH SHIT, ICONS! https://windicss.org/posts/v31.html#icon-library-for-windi

Thursday, February 10, 2022 @ 09:34:36 PM


Reddit commentor suggest axios, as it's easier to work with. So I re-followed the guide and it's working!


Wednesday, April 6, 2022 @ 10:50:18 PM

Site is live now.

npx unlighthouse --site https://vite-vue3-tailwind-starter.netlify.app/