ECL Demo Project

ECL Demo. This README documents whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.

Table of Contents

Getting Started


  • This project supports running the application with all the required dependencies using docker compose
  • Install docker
  • Run docker compose -f up (Add --build to force rebuild when new dependencies have been added)
  • Application should open up automatically. In case it doesn't, go to - http://localhost:3000
  • Make required changes for development. Both backend and frontend should hot reload and server restart is not required.


  • On running serve, frontend server is at - http://localhost:3000
  • On running serve, backend server is at - http://localhost:8080
  • To connect to MongoDb server using a client, can use - mongodb://localhost:27017

Pre Requirements:


  • Install dependencies - npm install
  • Build Project - npm build
  • Start Application (without HotReload) - npm start
  • Start Application (with HotReload enabled) - npm run serve
  • Run Lint (JavaScript and TypeScript) - npm run lint
  • Run Lint (Markdown) - npm run lint:md
  • Run E2E tests - npm run e2e


The module uses config for loading configuration entries.

In the config directory:

  • Consult/update custom-environment-variables.yml for loading values via environment. This overrides any value set in files defined below.
  • Create local.yml for local config.
  • Consult/update development.yml for values at development. (The default env)
  • Consult/update testing.yml for values at testing. NODE_CONFIG_ENV must be set to testing for this.
  • Consult/update staging.yml for values at staging. NODE_CONFIG_ENV must be set to staging for this.
  • Consult/update production.yml for values at production. NODE_CONFIG_ENV must be set to production for this.
  • Consult/update default.yml for constant values only. Define entries here which will remain same across deployments.

INFO: default.yml config file lists the all available entries which the system uses. For creating a new config entry:

  • If the config value tends to change across deployments, provide undefined for the same in default.yml and value should be provided in respective deployment file.
  • If the config value is supposed to be same across deployments, provide the same in default.yml.

INFO: local* files allows you to manually provide config during development and are set to be ignored by VCS. Any environment can be overridden locally via:

  • local.yml - Overrides everything.
  • local-{env}.yml - Overrides only specific env environment.

INFO: Read more about in what order the config entries are loaded here.

Each entry here in this documentation follows the following structure:

object.notation data-type ENVIRONMENT_OVERRIDE (if available) - Description (Default - value)


This project support following integrations TODO: Need to add documentation for all integrations

Name Type Documentation Configuration
Grafana Logger - logger.transports = ['grafana']
- - Hostname for Loki logger on Grafana
- grafana.username - Username for authenticating with Loki logger on Grafana- grafana.password - Password for authenticating with Loki logger on Grafana
- - Label 'app' to be associated with the logs
- grafana.labels.env - Label 'env' to be associated with the logs
Inspectlet Analytics - inspectlet.wid = Unique Inspectlet key provided by inspectlet


This project deploys on Kubernetes via GitHub actions using workflows defined in Platform - GitHub project.


This project uses v2.4


  • Deployment on Digital Ocean kubernetes cluster
  • Inbuilt docker registry integration
  • Production rollout on main branch update
  • Preview environment on Pull Requests
  • Configuration management via Doppler
  • Automatic deployment reload on configuration update
  • E2E test support


  • Docker registry:

    • This setup supports provisioning our own private self-hosted docker registry
    • This is where the workflow will push the built images and pulled by Kubernetes for deployment
    • Choose a URL which can be used by the registry, example:
  • Replace / add the values for following in workflow files (can be found in .github/workflows):

    • app_name - Application name, only allowed A-Za-z0-9\-, example: demo-app
    • app_hostname - Application hostname, example:
    • app_env - Application environment, example: production / preview
    • docker_registry - Hostname which will be mapped to internal docker registry. Provide here value with chosen docker registry URL in following format - docker_registry/app_name. For example -
  • Account on Digital Ocean:

    • We will be needing API access token in order to interact with the resources on Digital Ocean
    • Learn about to create a personal access token here. Token needs to have both read and write scope.
    • Take a note of the created API token. We will be needing this for rest of the setup.
  • Setting up Doppler

    • For configuration management and securely providing access to the secrets to application, this setup uses Doppler which is allows us to inject configuration parameters as environment variables to application runtime.
    • As mentioned, this is an optional requirement and is meant only for application which require runtime configuration.
    • Application environment will be obtained from value provided for app_env. An environment and service token is required per app_env.
    • Learn about creating a doppler project and environments here
    • Learn about creating a service token in order to access secret associated with an environment here
    • Take a note of the project, environment, and service token. We will be needing this for rest of the setup.
    • This project has support for automatically reloading dependent applications once any configuration updates happens. Simply update the desired value in an environment and hit save. Application would reload automatically and will use the updated configurations.
  • Setting up SonarQube

    • This workflow also supports running static analyzer on open PRs and base branch using SonarQube
    • Learn more about how to import a GitHub repository into SonarQube here
    • Using the steps provided in If using GitHub actions, take a note of SONAR_TOKEN and SONAR_HOST_URL
    • No need to follow any remaining steps, workflows here will take care of the rest.
  • Install Terraform

  • Create terraform.tfvars under terraform directory add following content:

cluster_issuer_email = ""
do_token             = "<digital ocean token>"
do_cluster_name      = "<cluster name>"
do_alert_email       = ""
docker_registry_host = "<docker registry url>"
  • Run:

    • terraform -chdir=terraform init
    • terraform -chdir=terraform apply
    • Wait for process to complete
    • After process has been completed, note down the output which will be presented in form of key=value pairs. These will be required in subsequent steps.
  • Map DNS entries:

    • Map A record for value of docker_registry_host to value of ingress_nginx_service_external_ip
    • Map A records for app_hostname provided to the workflows to value of ingress_nginx_service_external_ip
  • Add GitHub secrets to the repository:

    • DOCKER_USERNAME - Value of docker_registry_auth_user
    • DOCKER_PASSWORD - By obtaining value of docker_registry_auth_password via - terraform -chdir=terraform output docker_registry_auth_password
    • DOPPLER_PREVIEW_TOKEN - Doppler token for preview environment. See Setting up Doppler.
    • DOPPLER_PRODUCTION_TOKEN - Doppler token for production environment. See Setting up Doppler.
    • DO_ACCESS_TOKEN - Digital Ocean access token. See Account on Digital Ocean.
    • DO_CLUSTER_ID - Value of do_cluster_id
    • SONAR_TOKEN - See Setting up SonarQube
    • SONAR_HOST_URL - See Setting up SonarQube

E2E Testing

Pre Requirements:

Get the application up and running via following steps in Getting Started


If you're running into npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! err no1 error, follow these steps to fix it:

  • sudo npm cache clean -f (force) clear you npm cache
  • sudo npm install -g n install n
  • sudo n stable upgrade to the current stable version)

For more detailed info, check out this official guide on troubleshooting.

Running specs from the command line:

# run the entire suite
cypress run
# run headless chrome
cypress run --headless --browser chrome

# run an individual spec file
cypress run --spec "cypress/e2e/"

# run all specs within the folder matching the glob (Note: Using double quotes is strongly recommended.
cypress run --spec "cypress/e2e/**/*"

Running specs from the GUI:

  1. Open the Cypress Test Runner and click on any types of testing E2E Testing & Component Testing.
cypress run

Screenshot 2022-07-14 at 12 51 15 PM

  1. The Cypress Test Runner will open a new window with browser option, select respective browser.

Screenshot 2022-07-14 at 12 51 44 PM

  1. The Cypress Test Runner will open a new window with specs, clicking on any spec will execute the test in browser.

Screenshot 2022-07-14 at 12 51 58 PM

Screenshot 2022-07-14 at 12 54 17 PM