A Totally Serious Synthesizer Selection App

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What f#&king synthesizer should I buy? is a terrible guide to choosing a syntheszier. It was extremely influenced by Bill Broughton's hilarious What f#&king programming language should I use?. Inspired by the endless nerd battles online about the "best" synthesizer in any scenario, this app turns it into a joke so we can all have some fun and stop taking ourselves so seriously. I'm looking at you /r/synthesizers.

As much as I loved Bill's app I didn't want to just gut his code and fill in my own copy. Bill used Knockout which was super clean and had awesome ways of binding data to the HTML, but I'm new to coding and didn't quite understand it all. As I was just finishing up an online course in vanilla Javascript and jQuery, I decided to use those instead. I had help from Brian Martin with some of the data structure and flow concepts.

I abosutely love synthesizers and the nerds who obsess over them. I hope this app at least gives you a giggle. Great respect to Bill Broughton for the original idea.

If you want to connect, you can find me at JJBBLLKK.com# WFSSIB