
A bot to watch pull request votes on Github and report them to IRC

Primary LanguageLua


A bot to watch pull request votes on Github and report them to IRC using Luvit-IRC

Anytime someone commnets on a watched repo's PR with a +1, -1, or any other +/-number it will be reported on the channel specified in the config.


./bot.lua -c your_config_file


See the example config.json

Note that you connect to multiple IRC networks.

Watching a new repo

To get the bot to watch a new github repo, simply run:

./github_setup.sh [your-github-username] [repo-owner] [repo-name] [server]:[port]

This will configure a github webhook that posts new PR events to the bot.


  • Add an IRC side interface
    • Map IRC users to GitHub users
    • Store that data in an sqlite3 db
  • Add package info