This forms the basis of single-page/dashboard-based Laravel web applications.
- Suitable server (LAMP-based)
- A MySQL database for user and preferences tables
- Bower (and this Node/NPM)
Create your MySQL database and clone this repo into a new vhost/web dir.
Run composer's install option to grab everything for Laravel:
composer install
Run bower's install option to grab all of the required .js/.css (public/assets/vendor):
bower install
Copy over .env.example so you have your own preferences file:
cp .env.example .env
Edit it and modify the last 4 lines:
nano .env
Run Laravel/artisan to generate a new app key:
php artisan key:generate
Run the migrations and database seeders to get you up and running:
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed
Set permissions appropriately
chmod -R 777 /my/app/webroot
Default user/password is: admin@localhost/password
- Users
- Preferences
- Users
- Preferences
General Routes
- Home => 'home'
- Dashboard => 'dashboard'
Auth Routes
- Login => 'login'
- Register => 'register'
- Password reset => 'password/reset'
- AppController
Error Pages
- 404
- 503
3rd Party CSS Libraries
3rd Party JS Libraries
There is already a .htaccess in the root to rewrite to /public