This repo contains the source code to the clickonce
CLI for creating
ClickOnce deployment packages.
The clickonce
utility calls out to mage.exe
tool to create the deployment package.
Usage: clickonce [ options ]
Generate a click-once deployment package.
-n, --name=VALUE * Application name
-x, --exe=VALUE * Application executable file
-v, --version=VALUE * Application version
-h, --hash=VALUE Certificate hash
-c, --certificate=VALUE Certificate name
-f, --from=VALUE * From directory
-t, --to=VALUE * To directory
-p, --publisher=VALUE Publisher
--framework=VALUE Framework (3.5, 4.0-client, 4.0-full, 4.5-ful-
l, 4.5.1-full, 4.5.2-full, 4.6-full, 4.6.1-full)
can specified multiple times, default=3.5
--product=VALUE Product
-i, --install Install application
--trust-url-parameters Application should be given the activation URL
--map-file-extensions Files should end with .deploy file extension
--disable-auto-update The click once application should not
automatically check for updates.
Create a desktop shortcut icon
Specify the desktop shortcut icon file (must
exist in 'From' directory)
Specify the processor architecture (msil, x86,
amd64, ia64)
--group=VALUE Assign a file to a group (format group:file)
-u, --timestamp-url=VALUE Timestamp URL
--verbose Increase verbosity
-?, --help Show this help message
(Items marked * are mandatory)
This repo was moved to github from a private subversion repo in 2018, but it is very unlikely that it would be useful for new projects.
This utility was developed circa 2009 for use with projects that at the time were being build using the NAnt build tool. More recent projects that build ClickOnce deployment packages are likely to make use of MSBuild.
ClickOnce is not necessarily the best choice for deploying Windows desktop applications. Consider Squirrel (, or Chcolatey (