
simple Vagrantfile & provisioning scripts for vault & consul

Primary LanguageShell

#Vagrant-vault-consul repo


  • v2 directory follows the initial learn path - and ends with having consul in dev mode as storage on your vault server. worth noting - though I've included a vagrant consul server, one is not needed here.
  • v3 directory starts with learn.hashicorp.com/vault/day-one/ops-deployment-guide and will setup 1 vault server (with consul agent) and 1 consul server.

#Background These scripts were put together while I was reviewing https://learn.hashicorp.com/vault/


  • Install vagrant on your machine
  • clone the repo to a local directory
  • run vagrant up


  • Vagrantfile -- main control file for Vagrant
  • bootstrap.sh -- bootstraps vault server instance
  • bootstrap_consol.sh - bootstraps consul server instance


  • vagrant ssh vault

  • copy vault.hcl to local directory (or not)

  • update vault.hcl IP address to your vault instance you can now use UI from your machine. or you can vault login root from another command line

  • vault server -dev -config=/vagrant/vault.hcl -dev-root-token-id='root'

  • run "/vagrant/set-env.sh" to set the VAULT_ADDR variable. - be sure to update IP variable to your local machine / vm

#Using Consul

  • When you are ready to use consul - (ie not store things in memory anymore) uncomment the consul section in vault.hcl and run consul agent -dev then
  • vault server -config=/vagrant/vault.hcl

you can then run the /vagrant/unseal.sh scripts - first you have to set your environment though

Neat (to me) CLI hacks

  • When you initially unseal 'vault operator init > key.txt'
  • then to unseal 'vault operator unseal $(grep 'Key 1:' key.txt | awk '{print $NF}')
    • repeat for keys 2, 3.

#Commands to always remember

  • vault -autocomplete-install ; exec $SHELL