Artefact & demos used for QCon-London presentation 2020: TornadoVM @ QCon-London
Slides available here
Video will be available soon by InfoQ
Review from InfoQ review about the talk in QCon London:
InfoQ Article:
- Install TornadoVM. Full guideline here
- OpenCL device with OpenCL >= 1.2 installed
- Maven 3.6
Demo using the Client-Server application to change the devices through the client:
$ export JAVA_HOME=/PATH/TO/graal-jvmci-8/jdk1.8.0/product
$ export PATH="${PATH}:${TORNADO_ROOT}/bin/bin/"
$ export TORNADO_SDK=${TORNADO_ROOT}/bin/sdk
## Compile the application
$ mvn clean install
How to reproduce?:
## Run Server in one terminal
## Client in another terminal
$ export CLASSPATH=target/tornado-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
# Run sequential code (without TornadoVM acceleration)
tornado qconlondon.MatrixMultiplication 512 seq
# Run with TornadoVM acceleration on the default device
tornado qconlondon.MatrixMultiplication 512 tornado
# Run with TornadoVM on the default device with debug information
tornado --threadInfo qconlondon.MatrixMultiplication 512 tornado
# Run with TornadoVM and print the generated OpenCL kernel
tornado --printKernel qconlondon.MatrixMultiplication 512 tornado
# See all devices available
tornado --devices
# Run with TornadoVM on the device 1
# Convention: -D<taskScheduleName>.<taskName>.device=0:<deviceID>
tornado --printKernel --threadInfo -Ds0.t0.device=0:1 qconlondon.MatrixMultiplication 512 tornado
# Run with TornadoVM on the device 3
# Convention: -D<taskScheduleName>.<taskName>.device=0:<deviceID>
tornado --printKernel --threadInfo -Ds0.t0.device=0:3 qconlondon.MatrixMultiplication 512 tornado
# Run TornadoVM with IGV (Ideal Graph Visualizer) to see the compiled graphs
tornado --igv qconlondon.MatrixMultiplication 512
See install guidelines for running TornadoVM with GraalVM here
$ cd nodejs
$ export BASE=/path/to/tornadovm-graal
$ export PATH=$BASE/bin/bin:$PATH
$ export TORNADO_SDK=$BASE/bin/sdk
## JDK 8 - last Graal
$ export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/oracleGraal/19.3.0/graalvm-ce-java8-19.3.0
## Install the NPM dependencies
$ $JAVA_HOME/bin/npm install express
$ $JAVA_HOME/bin/npm install jimp
$ $JAVA_HOME/bin/npm install fs
Compile the user-code using the alias for javac
provided by TornadoVM:
$ docker run \
--runtime=nvidia \
--rm -it -v \
"$PWD":/data \
beehivelab/tornado-gpu-graalvm-jdk11 \
bash server.js
## Access
## Access the sequential execution
$ bash server.js
## Access
## Access the sequential execution