
Infrastructure as code repo for the IndieAGI production and development environment deployments of JupyterHub.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

User & Admin Onboarding

Email toby [at] indieagi [dot] org

Server Descriptions

Static IP        DNS                       Description  jupyter.indieagi.org      Stable prod env   jupyter-dev.indieagi.org  Unstable dev env  

Admin Consoles

Digital Ocean - JupyterHub Prod
Digital Ocean - JupyterHub Dev
NameCheap DNS - indieagi.org

File Descriptions

├── install-scripts  # scripts to run once on a new VM instance
│   ├── install-docker.sh
│   └── start-docker-on-boot.sh
├── README.md
└── runtime-config  # configuration used when starting JupyterHub
    ├── docker-compose.yml
    ├── Dockerfile.jupyterhub
    └── jupyterhub_config.py


1 Reinstall Kernel on VM

You can usually skip this step if you haven't changed anything in install-scripts.

First, go to the appropriate Digital Ocean admin console:

Next, click on the Droplet. It will be jupyterhub-dev or jupyterhub-prod.

Go to Destroy > Rubuild Droplet > Ubuntu 22.04 LTS > Rebuild

2 Configure Ubuntu VM

ssh into the VM

# Option 1: Go to the Digital Ocean admin console and use the web ssh terminal

# Option 2: Use ssh on your desktop
ssh  # JupyterHub Prod
ssh   # JupyterHub Dev

Clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/indieagi/jupyterhub.git
cd jupyterhub/

Install Docker

cd ./install-scripts

chmod +x install-docker.sh start-docker-on-boot.sh

Test Docker Install

docker run hello-world

Install JupyterHub Server

Run the following commands

cd ./runtime-config
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d  # starts JupyterHub in the background

User Test of JupyterHub

  1. Navigate to the relevant IP address
  1. The JupyterHub login screen should be presented

3 Configure DNS

  1. Navigate to the NameCheap advanced DNS console for indieagi.org
  2. Change the A record for jupyter.indieagi.org to your new Droplet's IP address

Test DNS Configuration

  1. Wait for the DNS records to propogate
  2. Navigate to jupyter.indieagi.org. If the login page for JupyterHub loads, DNS is configured correctly

4 Configure SSL

  1. Open ./runtime-config/docker-compose.yml
  2. Change host to desired domain - "traefik.http.routers.jupyterhub.rule=Host(`example.org`)"
  3. Change email for Let's Encrypt to desired email - "--certificatesresolvers.myresolver.acme.email=test@example.org"

Test SSL Configuration

  1. Navigate to jupyter.indieagi.org. Do not use the IP address.
  2. Login using a known working user account.
  3. If you get a 200 OK and get into your JupyterLab instance, SSL configuration is successful. If you get a 302 Redirect back to login, the JupyterHub SSL configuration is probably wrong.


Tail JupyterHub Logs

cd ./runtime-config
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
docker logs -f jupyterhub

Login Doesn't Work for Known Valid User

  1. Check the Chrome Dev Tools Network logs during login
  2. If you get a 302, it may be an SSL configuration issue