
Node wrapper for Magicseaweed (MSW) API http://magicseaweed.com/developer/forecast-api

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Magicseaweed API

Build Status

Node wrapper for Magicseaweed (MSW) developer API.



//Add the API to your module
var msw = require('msw-api');

//Configure the instance to use your API key, optionally override the units (default is 'US')
msw.set({ apiKey: 'YOUR API KEY GOES HERE' , units: 'us' });

//Get a promise for the swell forecast for spot at id 169 (Mundaka)
msw.forecast(169).then(function (forecast) {

    //Return all forecasts at least 5 solid stars and at least 6
    //(feet in this case as the request was using 'us' units) high, and at least 16s in primary swell period
            minSolidStars: 5,
            minBreakingHeight: 6,
            minPeriod: 16

}, function (err) {
    console.log('ERR: encountered error getting MSW data: ' + err);


msw.set(): static configuration

msw.set(Object parameters) : msw;
//apiKey: your MSW API key is required for any transactions.
msw.set({ apiKey: 'YOUR API KEY GOES HERE' });

//units: optionally set the units you want (option of US, EU & UK). Default of 'US'. Case insensitive.
msw.set({ units: 'EU' });

//Obviously you can do both in one call
msw.set({ apiKey: 'API KEY', units: 'UK' });

Go to MSW to get an API key.

msw.forecast(): get swell forecast

msw.forecast(int spotId | Object options) : Promises/A+ for Forecast
//Option 1: using spotId integer (uses pre-set `units` via `set()` or default value of 'US')

//Option 2: using options object
//  spotId required
//  units optional: overrides whatever pre-defined units are for this call only
msw.forecast({ spotId: 123, units: 'eu' });

Throws Error when:

  • no parameter is given
  • apiKey not set()


  • promise with Forecast data. (Specifically returns a Q promise).
msw.forecast(358).then(function (forecast) {
    console.log('Successfully retrieved data for Manasquan, NJ');
}, function (err) {
    console.log('ERR: encountered error getting MSW data: ' + err);

Note: Errors in retrieving data from Magicseaweed, invalid API KEY and invalid spot ID handled by a rejected promise. Handle these errors in second argument to then() as per the Promises/A+ spec.

msw.mockCallsUsing(): enable mock responses (for testing)

var mocks = msw.mockCallsUsing('YOUR API KEY');


mocks.mockSpot(): Mocks a single spot call

mocks.mockSpot(int spotId, String units, int httpResponse);

If the spotId does not exist in the samples, or the httpResponse is not 200, the mocked HTTP response will return undefined.

mocks.data: Sample data for a spot (if any)

var mockSpot169 = mocks.data['169'];
var forecast = new Forecast(mockSpot169);


This is the instance yielded by a fulfilled msw.forecast() promise.

forecast.filter(): Creates new Forecast by filtering entries

forecast.filter(Function callback) : Forecast

Creates a new Forecast via a boolean callback function. Note that the underlying ForecastEntry instances are shared by reference and thus are mutable.

Callback of the standard form function (item, index, array).

msw.forecast(358).then(function (forecast) {
    var newForecast = forecast.filter(function (entry, i) {
        return entry.swell.components.secondary.height < 4;
}, ...);

forecast.toArray(): Swell data as Array

forecast.toArray() : Array

Returns an Array of ForecastEntry.

msw.forecast(358).then(function (forecast) {
    var all = forecast.toArray();
}, ...);

Note: the Array is a clone of the underlying Forecast data, however each individual ForecastEntry is a mutable instance, so be wary of modifying this data.

forecast.toString(): Swell data as String

forecast.toString([Optional] Object params) : String

Takes an optional parameter hash and returns a string with one line for each forecast entry.

msw.forecast(358).then(function (forecast) {
}, ...);

Supports UTC times via:

forecast.toString({ utc: true });

Supports HTML table output via:

forecast.toString({ html: true });

Allows custom date formatting via:

forecast.toString({ dateFormat: 'ddd MMM D HH:mm' }); //eg. Mon Dec 22 21:00

Uses moment.js date formatting

Supports modification of entry output via:

    shouldHighlightEntry: function (ForecastEntry entry):Boolean,
    highlightEntry: function (String entryStr, ForecastEntry entr):String

Requires both shouldHighlightEntry() and highlightEntry() to be supplied. The former returns true or false as to whether of not to call the output modifier. The modifier highlightEntry() is called to transform the output for that entry if required.

Returns swell data in the following format (when html is not true):

Dec 13 01:00  ★       3-4ft (4.5ft 9s ENE)  12mph E     1F
Dec 13 04:00  ★       3-4ft (4.5ft 9s ENE)  12mph E     1F
Dec 13 07:00  ★       3-4ft (4.5ft 9s ENE)  12mph ENE   1F
Dec 13 10:00  ★ ★     3-4ft (5ft 9s ENE)    15mph ENE   1F
Dec 13 13:00  ★ ☆     3-4ft (5ft 9s ENE)    16mph E     10F
Dec 13 16:00  ★ ☆     3-4ft (5ft 9s ENE)    16mph E     10F
Dec 13 19:00  ★ ★     3-4ft (5ft 9s ENE)    14mph E     10F
Dec 13 22:00  ★       3-4ft (5ft 9s ENE)    13mph E     10F
Dec 14 01:00  ☆       2-4ft (5ft 8s ENE)    15mph E     1F
Dec 14 04:00  ★       2-4ft (5ft 8s ENE)    15mph ENE   1F
Dec 14 07:00  ★       2-4ft (5ft 8s ENE)    14mph E     1F
Dec 14 10:00  ★       2-4ft (5ft 8s ENE)    13mph E     1F
Dec 14 13:00  ★       2-4ft (5ft 8s ENE)    12mph E     10F
Dec 14 16:00  ★       2-4ft (5ft 8s ENE)    12mph E     10F
Dec 14 19:00  ★       2-4ft (5ft 8s ENE)    10mph E     11F
Dec 14 22:00  ★       2-4ft (5ft 8s ENE)    12mph E     11F

forecast.where(): Query forecast data

forecast.where(Object params) : Forecast

Supported Parameters

Can use any combination of the following for:

  • Breaking height (the height of the swell in units): minBreakingHeight &/or maxBreakingHeight
  • Solid stars (MSW assigned solid stars): minSolidStars &/or maxSolidStars
  • Faded stars (MSW assigned faded stars): minFadedStars &/or maxFadedStars
  • Swell period: (the number of seconds of the primary swell period): minPeriod &/or maxPeriod
  • Wind speed: (the direction of wind in units): minWindSpeed &/or maxWindSpeed
  • Wind direction (the direction of the wind represented as degrees in the range 0° to 360°): lowerWindDirection AND upperWindDirection. Both parameters are required to query on wind direction.
  • Datetime: (the datetime of the forecast relative to the zone's timezone) minDateTime &/or maxDateTime
  • Sequence: (the number of consecutive entries that must occur in order for the entry to be returned) minSequence

Refer to MSW Guide for Solid & Faded star definitions

All queries are inclusive. E.g. minBreakingHeight of 3 matches all entries >= 3

//get all forecast entries with minBreakingHeight at least 3 units
forecast.where({ minBreakingHeight: 3 });

//get all forecast entries with breaking height between 3 and 8, a wind speed of no more than 10 units and a period of at least 10s
forecast.where({ minBreakingHeight: 3, maxBreakingHeight: 8, maxWindSpeed: 10, minPeriod: 10 });

//get all forecast entries with at least 3 solid and 1 faded stars
forecast.where({ minSolidStars: 3, minFadedStars: 1 });

//get all forecast entries with 5 or more solid stars, at least 6 in min breaking height and a 16 or more second period
forecast.where({ minSolidStars: 5, minBreakingHeight: 6, minPeriod: 16 });

//get all forecast entries with at least 17s period and wind no greater than 10 (mph) which occur in a sequence of at least three entries in length
forecast.where({ minPeriod: 17, maxWindSpeed: 10, minSequence: 3 });