A PHP Class for creating Wordpress Custom Post Types easily
- 5
How to translate post type name
#58 opened by slobich - 0
time to add taxonomy colums
#75 opened by Alexufo - 0
Taxonomy generating problem
#74 opened by almas-alright - 0
Unable to sort on menu_order
#73 opened by sanderdewijs - 1
Adding custom columns removed wordpress edit, quick edit, trash and view links
#69 opened by BoylesWhite - 2
- 3
is it possible to pass show_in_nav_menus?
#72 opened by sunsgs - 6
Display custom post type tags
#71 opened by rabinrai44 - 3
Has Archive
#70 opened by msacchetti - 2
How do I add field price
#66 opened by nhantam - 0
Adding post_row_actions
#67 opened by nateluzod - 0
Changing the bulk actions
#65 opened by marlonleite - 1
Add to exisiting columns
#47 opened by jjgrainger - 2
Sorting Taxonomies
#51 opened by JacobDorman - 1
Won't register on add_action('init')
#61 opened by torrfura - 1
Setting labels
#56 opened by mmjaeger - 2
Custom taxonomy not registering
#62 opened by bynicolas - 5
cut 'post'
#57 opened by mmjaeger - 4
Add menu_position
#59 opened by WebbizAdmin - 1
Add field "type" in composer.json
#54 opened by 3runoDesign - 4
Class isn't working with php 5.2.17 version.
#48 opened by musamamasood - 5
Idea - Add extra fields in taxonomy
#44 opened by 3runoDesign - 2
adding a way to set column width
#33 opened by mmjaeger - 0
Make custom columns searchable in admin
#21 opened by jjgrainger - 0
Add contributing guide
#49 opened by jjgrainger - 4
post type to enable in wp-api
#46 opened by lgt - 6
- 3
- 9
PHP Warning in add_admin_columns
#39 opened by madysondesigns - 0
Automagically rewrite post update messages
#23 opened by jjgrainger - 3
Custom labels
#42 opened by mustardBees - 2
Call to undefined function array
#40 opened by jasonkingdesign - 2
Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
#38 opened by vinkla - 2
v1.3.2 error
#37 opened by deadlyhifi - 5
Needs a has_archive flag
#26 opened by isarmstrong - 2
- 0
Default columns breaks all columns.
#35 opened by thefrosty - 3
- 2
Custom capabilities in CPT
#30 opened by q2amarket - 1
Register taxonomies first?
#28 opened by FriendlyWP - 3
Supports does not seem to be working
#27 opened by isarmstrong - 9
Custom taxonomies not registering?
#25 opened by loremipson - 4
Enabling the Packagist service hook.
#20 opened by vinkla - 5
Could not translate "Add New" label
#19 opened by danielbehrendt - 1
PHP Warning line 865
#16 opened by matthewsoares - 1
Featured Image not showing up
#17 opened by dinolatoga - 1
Error in CPT.php on line 609
#15 opened by 4selected - 4
Issue with multiple post-types with same taxonomy :: Two post-types can't have same taxonomy
#14 opened by manojhl - 2
Supports array has too many defaults
#11 opened by randyjensen - 2
If you have a post type with has_archive it doesn't pass through the options
#12 opened by reesmcivor