Decentralized AdSpace is a p2p social media platform with a decentralised advertisement layer on top. It connects content creators directly with advertisers/brands eliminating the role of intermediaries.
A creator starts by minting content on the platform. This content generates metrics like views, upvotes, downvotes, comments etc by users visiting the dApp. Each page of a creator has a dedicated ad space. This ad space is open for interested advertisers to place their ads. Depending upon the content metrics, an advertiser places a bid to host their ad. We use a simple auction algorithm to select the winning bidder and transfer the bid amount directly to creator's wallet.
Backend - Cartesi to compute the dynamic bid amount of ad space and disburse revenue to creators. The contracts are deployed on arbitrum goerli. Filecoin/IPFS for data storage.
Frontend - ReactJS framework to communicate with contracts, fetch NFT data and send requests to create and execute biddings.
arbitrum goerli 0xB35A7A3d7c1854e0A1196E3c706c4Bb5C2B1657C
baseGoerli 0x71ab24ee3ddB97Dc01A161EdF64c8d51102b0cd3
lineaTestnet 0x71ab24ee3ddB97Dc01A161EdF64c8d51102b0cd3
scrollSepolia 0x243E9F2Ee6Af8f1c0783Ff10452CC1486820552c