
Simple tiled map on an HTML Canvas

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A module to draw a simple tiled raster map on an HTML Canvas, with a synchronous API.

DEPRECATED: Use [tile-frame] instead. [tile-frame]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/tile-frame

You can give rastermap a target area to map, and it will instantly draw a map on the canvas for that area.

rastermap maintains a cache of tiles, and will load more tiles as needed, but it does not wait for tiles to load before drawing. If the desired zoom is not loaded yet, rastermap will simply stretch the tiles from another zoom.

This synchronous drawing response (with asynchronous loading in the background) enables rastermap to supply images to animated apps. The returned image will always be correctly positioned. However, the image may be low resolution, if the higher-resolution tiles are not loaded yet.

rastermap is like a slippy map, only we make it snappy. Check out our rastermap example and see for yourself! New: rastermap can also display vector tiles, using the tilekiln renderer. It uses Canvas 2D, so it is somewhat slow. See the vector example.



rasterMap.init takes three parameters:

  • Parameters object
  • 2D rendering context (CanvasRenderingContext2D object) for the target canvas
  • (Optional) 2D rendering context for an overlay QC of the current bounding box

The parameters object must contain the following fields:

  • style: a Mapbox style document, or a URL pointing to it
  • token (optional): a Mapbox API key. Used for expanding Mapbox shorthand URLs of the form mapbox://...
  • tileSize: size in pixels of the supplied tiles. ASSUMES square tiles.
  • width, height: pixel size of the displayed map. MUST be multiple of tileSize. If not provided, will use the canvas width of the supplied canvas context
  • maxZoom: maximum allowed zoom

Note that rastermap will automatically resize the drawingbuffer of the canvas to width X height. It is up to the user to make sure this is consistent with the CSS displayed size of the canvas (or the texture into which the canvas will be copied, in WebGL animation applications).

Map requests

  • drawTiles: method to draw tiles on the canvas (no arguments)
  • loaded: method to return the loading status of the requested tiles. If some of the tiles on the map are drawn with a stretched parent tile, those tiles are not counted as done. No arguments, returns a value between 0 and 1.
  • move: Inputs (INTEGER) values of (dz, dx, dy), and updates the zoom and pan of the map
  • fitBoundingBox: Inputs two arrays of [x, y] points, corresponding to the NorthWest and SouthEast corners of the desired area, and updates the map coordinates to fit this area as closely as possible
  • toLocal: function(local, global). Converts global X/Y to local X/Y at the current zoom level. ASSUMES global coordinates range from 0 to 1.
  • getScale: Returns the scaling factor between global and local coordinates

Code structure

  • main.js: Module entry point. Checks user parameters, assigns defaults for missing parameters, and initializes sub-modules. Returns API object.
  • cache.js: maintains a cache of tiles. When a tile is requested, tileCache will return it if it is available. If not, it will return a parent tile from a lower zoom level, along with information about which part of the parent covers the area of the requested tile. Any missing tiles or parents are then requested from the tile service, for use in future draw calls. Tiles far from the requested area are pruned, to keep memory usage in in control.
  • coords.js: manages the coordinates of the tiled map. Given a bounding box, or pan/zoom action, tileCoords will update the zoom and origin of the map to cover the desired area. coords.js also does some general coordinate math and computes distances between tiles.
  • map.js: executes draw commands, and tracks the status of each tile in the displayed map.
  • renderer.js: simple wrapper for drawImage and clearRect
  • boxqc.js: manages and draws an overlay showing the current bounding box
  • tile.js: defines structure of new tile objects. NOT USED--see tilekiln