Inkscape Manager

Attempts to create an overlay for inkscape that allows quickly applying commonly used styles.

In this example, ab sets a colour (fill) to black, av sets it to white. s alone creates a stroke style, but it can be paired with a colour (sb) to create a black stroke.



Clipboard management to apply styles uses xclip.

Written for X11 and only tested using one window manager: i3. A rewrite for Wayland might happen eventually.


A style consists of a list of property:value pairs. If a property or value is missing in a style, pressing that key will wait for another key before doing anything.

In this example, stroke is missing a value. Pressing s alone would do nothing until it was paired with b. It would then create stroke:#ffffff.

- key: s
  style: stroke;stroke-width:2.6;
- key: b
  style: :#ffffff

Creating your own

If you want to change default values, modify config.yaml.

Keybinds are either styles or rebinds. Rebinds are really straightforward, but styles require you to know what SVG styles look like.

The examples/ folder contains some examples. You might find useful to either use the XML inspector in inkscape or save an image as .svg, then find the section that says styles: to create exactly what you need.

- key: a
  style: fill
- key: d # Solid line
  style: stroke;stroke-dasharray:none;-inkscape-stroke:none
- key: s # Stroked line
  style: stroke;stroke-dasharray:22.67720315,3.77952756;stroke-opacity:1;
- key: v # Paint white
  style: :#ffffff
- key: b # Paint black
  style: :#000000
- key: c # Removes fill, for example.
  style: :none
- key: g # Add an arrow header. #ConcaveTriangle is hardcoded in the styler.
  style: marker-end:url(#ConcaveTriangle);

# Rebinds
- key: w
  rebind_to: e
- key: e
  rebind_to: w