

i would like to share algorithms to people who would like to program more efficiently this tiny beast cronus max.

doax3 grin XP is a script that help you level up your XP for the game Dead or alive xtreme3.

The whole script stays in only ONE slot and takes half of memory.

Ok lets see how it 's done:

The cronus max is a microcontroller, that translates into power but fewer memory than PC or smartphone. It has also a peculiar language script that will bang your head into walls sometimes. But i took that more of a challenge than a burden. This device will oblige you to think out of the box.

So instead of whinning on memory lack, just leverage on its assets : power and script features To reach to goal of less memory, this scripts uses 3 points:

  • The 1rst one is the most important : DATASET, use and abuse it. that's how you keep microcontroller not a jabba the hut memory eater.
  • 2nd: "main is a loop". I repeat "MAIN IS A LOOP"! i'll come back on this point.
  • 3rd: State automata machine is the key to this peculiar language.
  1. Dataset

Ok lets go back to the 1rst point. Dataset is a bunch of unorganised bytes. So it's up to you to organise it. Forget your python list / ruby object /C structures. You 'll have to structure it yourself. For this algorithm i just needed:

  • a entry point (cb_intro),
  • a set of combo
  • and a Id for the end of combo (EOC).
     //  Idx, Button,       Wait(x50ms),     Event
     //      Introduction
            PS4_CIRCLE,      80,         //  Travel to zack island
            PS4_CIRCLE,      100,        //
            PS4_OPTIONS,     10,         //  skip intro video
            PS4_OPTIONS,     100,         //

then it needs a function that read that kind of structure : "function get_combo_index(combo_id)" I copied it from a Mortal Kombat script found at cronus forum. I then wrote the State "Play_combo" to read the combo till EOC.

this dataset efficiently replaces the repetitive and memory greeding: combo_run(PS4_XX,100);wait...

  1. Main Loop

lets move on the 2nd point: MAIN IS A LOOP. You don't need While/ForLoop. That's pretty challenging at first: how can i loop / branch to somewhere in my code ? I don't know you, but for me that's really interessing when you have to give away your habits and explore new paths. Ok if main is a loop, so there's a way to loop my combo/function/code in some sort of way. Have you read the manual ? no ?so i'll let you re-read the chapter Combo. yes it is clearly written how too loop.

ok you are lazy : here's the code you can find in the combo section

Cronus Manual

	int run_combo = 0;
	main {
	    if(event_press(19)) {       //If A / Cross is pressed...
		run_combo = 5;          //Variable 'run_combo' equals 5

	    if(run_combo && !combo_running(mycombo)) {  //If 'run_combo' has a value and mycombo is not running...
		run_combo = run_combo - 1;              //'run_combo' equals 'run_combo' minus 1
		combo_restart(mycombo);                 //restart mycombo
	combo mycombo {
	    set_val(3, 100);    //set RB / R1 to 100
	    wait(200);          //wait 200 milliseconds
	    wait(200);          //wait 200 milliseconds
  1. State machine

Now the Last point : State automata machine. Franckly, without state automata, Cronus scripts look like a raging bull. Now with this tool, i take it by the horns. Look at the code after the if (play). with State programming, you develop small modules that you will plug each one.

 +------------------+              +------------------+
 |                  |              |                  |
 |  Previous State  |      +-----> |  Previous State  |
 |                  |      |       |                  |
 +------------------+      |       +------------------+
 |                  |      |       |                  |
 | Combo To Run     |      |       | Combo To Run     |
 |                  |      |       |                  |
 +------------------+      |       +------------------+
 |                  |      |       |                  |
 |  Next State      +------+       |  Next State      |
 |                  |              |                  |
 +------------------+              +------------------+

Happy coding !