
This library includes a simple class for easier usage of seven segment displays with multiple digits.

Primary LanguagePython

Micropython Seven segment display

This library implements a class for easier usage of seven segment displays with multiple digits.

It is only tested on the Raspberry Pi Pico (H) with micropython 1.19.1, but it should work on all newer versions of micropython and other boards, that support micropython and are fast enough, that the display doesn't flicker.


For the simplest example refer to the pinout of your display (found in the datasheet, for example this one). The example table uses the following pin names:

image of pinout

Connect the pins as folowing:

Raspberry Pi Pico Display Pin
GPIO 16 1 (first digit)
GPIO 17 2 (second digit)
GPIO 18 3 (third digit)
GPIO 19 4 (fourth digit)
GPIO 15 a (top)
GPIO 14 b (top right)
GPIO 13 c (bottom right)
GPIO 12 d (bottom)
GPIO 11 e (bottom left)
GPIO 10 f (bottom right)
GPIO 9 g (top left
GPIO 8 p (point)

Use the following code:

digits = [16, 17, 18, 19]
segments = [15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8]
display = sevSeg(digits, segments, sevSeg.COMMON_CATHODE)


while True:


Constructor sevSeg(digits, segments, common, led_on_time, digit_delay)

  • digits (type list) specify the digit pins (numbers of GPIO Pins)
  • segments (type list) specify the segment pins (numbers of GPIO Pins)
  • common (either COMMON_CATHODE or COMMON_ANODE), default: COMMON_CATHODE
    • which one to choose is listed in the datasheet of your display
  • led_on_time (type int): how long the led should be turned on per cycle [microseconds], default 5000us
  • digit_delay (type int): how long all leds should be off between the digits [microseconds], default 0us

The combination of led_on_time and digit_delay define the refresh rate and brightness of your display. If your display is flickering, try adjusting these values.

sevSeg.setDigit(digit, character)

  • digit (type int): which digit to set (0 = first digit)
  • character (type string): which character to display (complete list below)

Sets the character to be displayed on the specified digit.


  • digit (type int): which digit to set (0 = first digit)

Sets the comma to be displayed after the specified digit.


  • string (type string): which string to display

The string can only contain the characters listed in the complete list below. It can only display as many digits as specified in the constructor and at max one dot/comma after each digit.

If the string contains two dots/commas, there will be inserted a space between them. If the first character is a dot/comma, the first digit will be empty.

The function supports both '.' and ',' as dot/comma (also mixed).


Refreshes the display. This function has to be called in a loop, otherwise the display won't show anything.

Supported characters

'0' 11111100 48 0x30
'1' 01100000 49 0x31
'2' 11011010 50 0x32
'3' 11110010 51 0x33
'4' 01100110 52 0x34
'5' 10110110 53 0x35
'6' 10111110 54 0x36
'7' 11100000 55 0x37
'8' 11111110 56 0x38
'9' 11110110 57 0x39
'A' 11101110 65 0x41
'b' 00111110 66 0x42
'C' 10011100 67 0x43
'd' 01111010 68 0x44
'E' 10011110 69 0x45
'F' 10001110 70 0x46
'G' 10111100 71 0x47
'H' 01101110 72 0x48
'I' 00001100 73 0x49
'J' 01110000 74 0x4A
'K' 01101110 75 0x4B Same as 'H'
'L' 00011100 76 0x4C
'M' 00000000 77 0x4D NO DISPLAY
'n' 00101010 78 0x4E
'O' 11111100 79 0x4F
'P' 11001110 80 0x50
'q' 11100110 81 0x51
'r' 00001010 82 0x52
'S' 10110110 83 0x53
't' 00011110 84 0x54
'U' 01111100 85 0x55
'V' 01111100 86 0x56 Same as 'U'
'W' 00000000 87 0x57 NO DISPLAY
'X' 01101110 88 0x58 Same as 'H'
'y' 01110110 89 0x59
'Z' 11011010 90 0x5A Same as '2'
' ' 00000000 32 0x20 BLANK
'-' 00000010 45 0x2D DASH
'.' 00000001 46 0x2E DOT/COMMA
'*' 11000110 42 0x2A STAR
'_' 00010000 95 0x5F UNDERSCORE