
Simple wrapper around Internet Archive Wayback Machine

Primary LanguagePython

IA command-line tool wayback plugin.


ia_wayback is a simple, minimal Python wrapper around Internet Archive's Wayback Machine APIs, which are described here:


For now the functionality is limited to a check if a user-specified URL is available in Internet Archive's Wayback Machine. The CLI tool returns comma-delimited output with info on the availability of a URL in Wayback. the following items are returned (if available):

  • The source URL (as specified by the user).
  • A True/ False flag that indicates whether the URL is available in Wayback.
  • The URL of the most recent snapshot in Wayback.
  • The status of the snapshot (what does this mean, exactly?)
  • Snapshot timestamp

Command line use


usage: ia_wayback.py <url>

Positional arguments

url : input url

Example 1

ia_wayback.py www.projectmoonbase.com

Which gives the following output:


Example 2

ia_wayback.py http://www.bitsgalore.org/2014/11/13/Demise-Of-Dutch-Blogosphere/

This results in:


In the second example, the page was not found in Wayback, so the last 3 output items are empty.


This code has had very limited testing, and doesn't have any error trapping whatsoever. I mainly wrote this to get more familiar with the Internet Archive's Wayback API. Use at your own risk!