pyyaml wheel builder

Repository to build pyyaml wheels.

By default the repo builds the latest tag (the tag on the branch most recently branched from master - see If you want to build a specific commit:

  • Comment out the line - BUILD_COMMIT='latest-tag' in .travis.yml
  • Update pyyaml submodule with version you want to build:

    • cd pyyaml && git pull && git checkout DESIRED_COMMIT
    • cd .. && git add pyyaml
    • git commit

The wheels get uploaded to a rackspace container to which I have the API key. The API key is encrypted to this specific repo in the .travis.yml file, so the upload won't work for you from another account. Either contact me to get set up, or use another upload service such as github - see for example Jonathan Helmus' sckit-image wheels builder

I got the rackspace API key from Olivier Grisel - we might be able to share this account across projects - again - please contact me or Olivier if you'd like this to happen.