
Solution to Grab ETA

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Microsoft Virtual Hackathon - Grab Estimated Time Arrival


Weighted KMeans of density (total unique trip per lat, lng) and speed (median speed per lat lng)

Meta origin-destination

With a limited records -- 10,000 trips, we upsample by extracting every 60-seconds window as meta origin-destination pair. However, we get a heavily skewed result to the lower ends due to imbalance of data points, we place a filter where duration >= 600 seconds and distance >= 1km.


  • Day (day_of_week and its sin, cos equivalent)
  • Hour (hour_of_day and its sin, cos equivalent)
  • Origin
    • distance from speed/density cluster center
    • bearing from speed/density cluster center
  • Destination
    • distance from speed/density cluster center
    • bearing from speed/density cluster center
  • Origin-Destination-Distance
  • Origin-Destination-Bearing
  • Origin-Destination speed cluster centers distance
  • Origin-Destination density cluster centers distance
  • Squared distance features
  • Feature-crossing and binning of day-and-hour
  • Feature-crossing and binning of origin-density-cluster and destination-density-cluster
  • Feature-crossing and binning of origin-speed-cluster and destination-speed-cluster


  • AutoML - StackEnsemble (Experiment RMSE ~ 252)
  • Fastai - DNN (RMSE ~ 260)

We decided to move forward with Fastai DNN for our obsession with deep learning and we believe that it generalizes better based on the result distribution.


To try it out:

curl --location --request POST 'vanagrab1.southeastasia.azurecontainer.io/grab/eta/dnn' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "latitude_origin": 1.340839,
    "longitude_origin": 103.848598,
    "timestamp": 1554850471,
    "day_of_week": 2,
    "hour_of_day": 22,
    "latitude_destination": 1.3448060250658491,
    "longitude_destination": 103.9831013487792

You should receive JSON result:

{"eta": 893}

In the event if our trial credits are exhausted or expired, kindly find the source code and models in app folder.

Update - Please try replacing the above endpoint to https://vanagrab.jjkoh.com/grab/eta/dnn


This repository is not meant for repeated from end to end. The repository is extremely unorganised as most works are iterated ad hoc and spontaneously. On top of that, a majority part of the code is run on GCP. However, we try to use open-source tools as much as possible to make this solution cloud-neutral.