
A service for automatically backporting commits.

Primary LanguageRuby


The Backporter is a service that responds to GitHub Webhooks to trigger automatic commit backports.

How does it work?

When a pull request is merged and is labeled with a pre-configured targeted label, a webhook is sent from GitHub to the service. The service will then apply a git cherry-pick from the designated sha to the target branch.

If the backport is successful, the service will use the GitHub API to:

  1. Push the backported commit to the target branch
  2. Remove the target label from the merged pull request
  3. Add a new backported label to the merged pull reqeust
  4. Make a pull request comment including git show output from the backport

If the backport is unsuccessful, the service will:

  1. Remove the target label from the merged pull request
  2. Add a new conflict label to the merged pull request
  3. Make a pull request comment including git diff output from the backport

Getting started


  • Ruby 2.3 with bundler
  • Postgresql


  1. git clone git@github.com:jjlangholtz/backporter.git
  2. cd backporter
  3. bin/setup
  4. bin/rails server