
Scripts for synchronizing a local cache with an XNAT project

Primary LanguagePython

Who can write this program in the fewest lines of code in the language
of your choice*?
arc-sync -h xnat.host.org -u user -p pass -m MR -proj MY_PROJ -l /my/local/archive
- Get list of MR sessions in MY_PROJ.

- Compare list of sessions with existing directories in /my/local/archive.

- Download sessions that aren't listed as directories in
  /my/local/archive to /my/local/archive
Everyone needs to try, submissions due on Monday and will be reviewed
at lab meeting. I can do it in 10 lines, and I'm a crappy
programmer. Whoever gets it done in fewest lines of code gets a $100
bonus. Anyone who makes their code sync specific sequence types gets
extra kudos.
* The language of your choice must be Perl, Python, or shell. Possibly
  something else if you prove Avi can run it without instruction. I'm
  guessing Perl is most compact but feel free to prove me wrong.