
Example of access control using Conjur and the nginx-lua module

Primary LanguageShell

Access control with Conjur, nginx, and lua

This project is a simple example of fine grained access control to a web service using a Conjur permissions model, nginx and the nginx-lua module.

Running the example

You can run the project in a vm with vagrant.

vagrant up
vagrant provision

The vagrant vm forwards requests to localhost:4567 to port 80 on the guest.

How it works

ngx-demo-service.rb is a toy sinatra service that pretends to perform various actions on resources in response to requests like GET /fry/bacon, which would correspond to performing the action 'fry' on resource 'bacon'.

The nginx config uses access.lua to perform authorization on a location that forwards to the sinatra service. The rule is that a user is authorized to request /:privilege/:resource if they have privilege privilege on ngx-demo-service:<resource>. The lua script uses ngx.location.capture to make a request to the conjur authz service to check the permission and decide whether or not to forward the request to the sinatra backend.

Trying it out

# namespace
export ns=`conjur id:create`

# Create users alice and bob
export alice_key=`conjur user:create -u $ns-alice | jsonfield api_key`
export bob_key=`conjur user:create -u $ns-bob | jsonfield api_key`

# Create a group and add both of them to it
conjur group:create $ns-people
conjur group:members:add $ns-people user:$ns-alice
conjur group:members:add $ns-people user:$ns-bob

# Create a couple of resources
conjur resource:create ngx-demo-service $ns-bacon
conjur resource:create ngx-demo-service $ns-eggs

# Permit alice to fry bacon and bob to scramble eggs, and let them both eat bacon and eggs
conjur resource:permit ngx-demo-service $ns-bacon user:$ns-alice fry
conjur resource:permit ngx-demo-service $ns-eggs user:$ns-bob scramble
conjur resource:permit ngx-demo-service $ns-bacon group:$ns-people eat
conjur resource:permit ngx-demo-service $ns-eggs group:$ns-people eat

# Login as alice and see what we're allowed to do
conjur authn:login -u $ns-alice -p $alice_key
# Try to fry bacon as alice, should succeed
curl -H "`conjur authn:authenticate -H`" localhost:4567/fry/$ns-/bacon
# Try to scramble eggs, should fail
curl -H "`conjur authn:authenticate -H`" localhost:4567/scramble/$ns-eggs
# But at least we can eat them!
curl -H "`conjur authn:authenticate -H`" localhost:4567/eat/$ns-eggs

# Login as bob to scramble the eggs
conjur authn:login -u $ns-bob -p $bob_key
# Try to scramble eggs, should succeed
curl -H "`conjur authn:authenticate -H`" localhost:4567/scramble/$ns-eggs
# But bob isn't allowed to fry bacon
curl -H "`conjur authn:authenticate -H`" localhost:4567/fry/$ns-bacon