A simple Jinja2 extension that uses Pygments to highlight code blocks.
Github: https://github.com/tlatsas/jinja2-highlight
Pypi: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/jinja2-highlight
- Jinja2 >= 2.4
- Pygments >= 1.5
Highlight examples ================= :
{% highlight 'language' %}
{% endhighlight %}
Replace language with the appropriate Pygments lexer short name: http://pygments.org/docs/lexers/
Line numbering can be turned on using lineno='inline' or lineno='table' depending on the style of line numbering you want (as per Pygment's documentation: http://pygments.org/docs/formatters/#HtmlFormatter)
{% highlight 'language', lineno='inline' %}
{% endhighlight %}
This can also be used without a language setting
{% highlight lineno='table' %}
{% endhighlight %}
Optional settings ================
By default Pygments renders the code block inside a div with the class 'highlight', if you want to change the name you can set the environment variable jinja2_highlight_cssclass to the class name you would like.
In jinja this can be done after you've created your environment; :
env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2_highlight.HighlightExtension'])
# Set the css class name to 'codehilite'
env.extend(jinja2_highlight_cssclass = 'codehilite')
In Flask this can be done with the following (after creating your app): :
app.jinja_env.extend(jinja2_highlight_cssclass = 'codehilite')
See the example at: https://github.com/tlatsas/jinja2-highlight/tree/master/examples/flask